HC Deb 04 May 1994 vol 242 cc575-7W
Mr. William Ross

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what performance targets have been set for the Social Security Agency for the current financial year.

5. Mr. Ancram

The targets are included in the agency's 1994–95 business plan, which was published today. A copy of the plan will be placed in the Library. The targets are in line with the Government's policy of improving the service provided to customers and fully support the standards established in the Northern Ireland citizens charter. I am satisfied that the targets present a demanding challenge for the agency. They are as follows:

Benefit Clearance Times1

Social Fund Crisis Loans on the day need arises2

Social Fund Community Grants

  • 65 per cent. in 7 days
  • 95 per cent. in 20 days

Income Support

  • 71 per cent. in 5 days
  • 90 per cent. in 13 days

Sickness/Invalidity Benefit

  • 65 per cent. in 10 days
  • 95 per cent. in 30 days

Child Benefit

  • 73 per cent. in 10 days
  • 95 per cent. in 30 days

Family Credit

  • 60 per cent. in 13 days
  • 95 per cent. in 42 days

Disability Living Allowance

  • 68 per cent. in 30 days
  • 85 per cent. in 53 days

Retirement Pension

  • 65 per cent. in 20 days
  • 95 per cent. in 60 days

Unemployment Benefit 6.5 days

Benefit Accuracy Income Support to pay the correct amount in at least 92 per cent. of cases

Sickness/Invalidity Benefit to pay the correct amount in at least 97 per cent. of cases

Child Benefit to pay the correct amount in at least 98 per cent. of cases

Family Credit to pay the correct amount in at least 93 per cent. of cases

Disability Living allowance to pay the correct amount in at least 98 per cent. of cases

Retirement Pension to pay the correct amount in at least 99 per cent. of cases

Unemployment Benefit to pay the correct amount in at least 96.5 per cent. of cases

Customer Satisfaction 90 per cent. of customers to regard the Agency' service as satisfactory or better

Financial Recovery

  • recovery of Social Fund loans—£17.24 million
  • recovery of Income Support overpayments—£1.40 million
  • recovery of centralised benefits overpayments—£0.40 million
  • benefit savings from detection and prevention of fraud£11.50.million
  • to carry out 5,100 National Insurance contributions surveys (including 1,020 employer educational visits)
  • identify £1.10 million Class 1 arrears as a result of compliance work

Resource Management

  • to live within a gross allocation of £29.80 million for Social Fund loans and community care grants
  • to live within the Agency's gross administration budget of £130.0 million, of which £126.5 million relates to running costs
  • to achieve cash efficiency savings of the order of £3.0 million


1. In all cases, clearance time is measured from the date of receipt of a claim or application in the office to the date on which the claim or application is decided. The measure, therefore, excludes the time taken to issue notification of the decision and any payment.

2. Monitored against '95 per cent. in 1 day'.