HC Deb 23 June 1994 vol 245 cc274-81W
Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list, by grade, the numbers of full-time academic staff funded by the further education budget for each further education college on 1 October in each year since 1989; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The tables list the information requested for 1992 and 1993. The figures for years prior to this are not readily available.

College Principal Vice-principal Head of department Principal lecturer Senior lecturer Lecturer
Castlereagh 1 1 4 9 55
North-West 1 2 8 4 37 94
Fermanagh 1 1 3 7 47
Limavady 1 1 4 5 25

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what additional resources have been made available to(a) the North Eastern, (b) the Southern and (c) the South Eastern education and library boards in order to assist with the amalgamation of further education colleges in their respective areas; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The additional resources for administrative costs incurred by the board are as follows:

Board 1993–94 £ 1994–95 £
(a) North-Eastern Education and Library Board 52,000 45,000
(b) Southern Education and Library Board 17,000 10,000
(c) South-Eastern Education and Library Board 17,000 10,000

In addition the Department of Education will adjust the boards' indicative allocation for premature retirement redundancy lump sums. These payments will not therefore be a charge on the boards' block grant.

College of further education 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94
Belfast Institute 6
North West Institute 1
Omagh 3
Fermanagh 1
Ballymena 2
Coleraine 1 1
Ballymoney 1
Northern Ireland Hotel and Catering College 1
Larne 2
Newcastle 1 1
Castlereagh 2
North Down and Ards
Lisburn 3 1
East Tyrone
Lurgan 3
Total 10 8 3 9


Lecturers in the Youth Training Programme have not been included.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many applications have been made to the

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what study his Department has made of the differential growth rates across colleges of further education; what measures he has taken or intends to take in order to reform the method of funding further education colleges in Northern Ireland; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

There has been no such study; nor are there any immediate plans for a new funding methodology. Measures have been taken to eradicate as far as possible historical imbalances in the allocation of resources to the education and library boards for further education.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list by college, the number of redundancies, both voluntary and compulsory that have taken place in Northern Ireland during the following academic years between 1988–89 and 1992–93; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

Details are available only for further education lecturers who have been awarded premature retirement pensions on the grounds of redundancy since 1990:

Belfast institute during the past two years from applicants wishing to undertake full-time higher education courses; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The Belfast institute does not maintain an annual record of applications for higher education courses. The institute estimates that the applications received in each of the academic years 1992–93 and 1993–94 would be approximately 1,200 to 1,500.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what resources were specifically allocated in order to fund general national vocational qualifications in schools and further education colleges in Northern Ireland during 1992–93, 1993–94 and 1994–95; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The resources allocated to fund GNVQs in Northern Ireland are related to the phased introduction of specific areas of study which were delivered mainly through the futher education sector. The additional funding allocated to further education in each of the academic years was:

Year £
1992–93 30,000
1993–94 71,000

Colleges could also draw, in 1993–94, on resources under the further education programme. £157,400 was allocated to the education and library boards to support curriculum development for specific vocational areas and £558,000 was allocated for staff development, where GNVQ was among the identified priorities.

Funding of £65,000 for 1994–95 is expected to be allocated to phase III of the GNVQ pilot when it is introduced in September 1994.

No specific additional funds have been provided to schools for GNVQ. Under local management of schools, schools wishing to develop new courses must do so from within their allocated budget. Those schools participating with colleges benefit from staff and curriculum development, resource materials and teaching time provided by the colleges.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list by individual school and further education college the total budget allocated to each participating institution to fund GNVQs during(a) 1992–93, (b) 1993–94 and (c) 1994–95; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

Funding for GNVQs has been provided specifically for the pilot phases, which are being delivered mainly through the further education sector. Schools participating with the colleges benefit from staff and curriculum development, resource materials and teaching time provided by the colleges.

A list of schools and further education colleges with their budgets is as follows:

Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education (St. Patrick's High School participated in the pilot of Manufacturing) 13,000
North West Institute of Further and Higher Education (Thornhill College, Foyle and Londonderry College and St. Mary's School participated in the pilot of Business; St. Mary's High in Health and Social Care) 13,000
Castlereagh College of Further Education (Lagan College participated in the pilot of Business) 4,000

Total allocation 30,000
Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education 30,000
North West Institute of Further and Higher Education 28,000
Castlereagh College of Further Education (Ashfield Boys and Girls High School participated in the pilot of Manufacturing) 3,500
Newcastle College of Further Education (St. Malachy's High School Castlewellan participated in the pilot of Manufacturing) 3,500
Northern Ireland Hotel and Catering College 6,000
Total allocation 71,000

Funding of £65,000 for 1994–95 is expected to be allocated by my Department when it is known which courses will be taken up by the colleges and schools in September 1994.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the number of temporary teachers paid on a daily rate who were employed by each college for periods longer than 26 weeks during each of the last three years; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The information is as follows for each academic year:

College of Further Education 1991–92 1992–93 1993 to date
Belfast Institute 20 9 4
North West Institute 4 3 1
Omagh 2 4 2
Fermanagh 3 1
Ballymena 9 4 2
Antrim 2
Coleraine 1
Newtownabbey 2 2 3
Ballymoney 2
Magherafelt 1 1
NI Hotel and Catering College 1
Newcastle 2 1 1
Castlereagh 2 3 3
North Down and Ards 9 16 5
Portadown 7 5 3
East Tyrone 1
Banbridge 1
Armagh 1
Newry/Kilkeel 3 3 2
Lurgan 1 1
Total 70 56 27

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what plans his Department has to permit the Belfast Institute to provide full-time higher level courses in catering; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

I have discussed this issue with a delegation from the college led by the hon. Member for Belfast, South (Rev. Martin Smyth) and have agreed to consider it further when evidence of demand for such courses is provided.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what has been the average unit of resource funding per further education student in Northern Ireland for each of the past five years; what was the average unit of resource funding for each trainee in a training centre for the same period; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

It is only possible to calculate the average unit of resource funding per full-time equivalent further education student in Northern Ireland on an equitable basis since 1991. Capital costs and student grants are not included. Figures beyond 1992–93 are not yet available:

1991–92 2,224
1992–93 2,311

I have been advised by the chief executive of the Training and Employment Agency that the average unit of resources funding for a trainee in a training centre, including capital costs and excluding the training allowances paid to individuals is:

1989–90 4,902
1990–91 5,418
1991–92 5,826

College Type of case Result Compensation
1. Lisburn Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
2. Lisburn Fair employment tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
3. Newtownabbey Industrial tribunal Agreed settlement before hearing Yes
4. North Antrim Industrial tribunal Agreed settlement before hearing Yes
1 Portadown Fair employment tribunal Settled before tribunal hearing Yes
2 Portadown Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
3 Lisburn Industrial tribunal Case dismissed by tribunal
4. North Down Fair employment tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
5. Antrim Industrial tribunal Case settled by written agreement
6. North Antrim Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
7. Coleraine Industrial tribunal Agreement before tribunal hearing Yes
8 Omagh Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
9 Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Applicant won case Yes
10 Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal With drawn by applicant
11 Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Applicant won case Yes
1 East Tyrone Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
2 Lurgan Industrial tribunal Settled by agreement with parties Yes
3 Portadown Fair employment tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
4 Lurgan Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
5 East Tyrone Industrial tribunal Hearing held pending decision on another case
6 Newcastle Industrial tribunal Ongoing - waiting decision on another case
7 Lisburn Industrial tribunal Case dismissed by tribunal

1992–93 6,716
1993–94 5,499

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what additional resources have been made available to the Belfast education and library board in order to assist with the amalgamation of further education colleges; if he will provide a breakdown of these additional resources in relation to their specific purpose; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

An additional £40,000 was provided in 1990–91 to support the secondment of our senior lecturers.

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list by college and by individual case the number of industrial tribunal and fair employment tribunal applications lodged against further education colleges for each year since 1989; how many cases have been upheld against the further education colleges and how many cases have resulted in a settlement which has involved payments being made by an education and library board; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The following information has been provided by the education and library boards:

College Type of case Result Compensation
8. Lisburn Industrial tribunal Case dismissed by tribunal
9. Lisburn Industrial tribunal Case dismissed by tribunal
10 Newcastle Fair employment tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
11 Newcatle Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
12 Newcatle Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
13 Newcatle Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
14 Newcatle Fair employment tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
15 Newcatle Fair employment tribunal Result awaited
16 North Down Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
17 Ballymena Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
18 North West Institute Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
19. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
20. Belfast Institute Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
21. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
22. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
23. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Settled before hearing Yes
1. East Tyrone Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
2. North Down Industrial tribunal Ongoing
3. Newtownabbey Fair employment tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
4. Omagh Fair employment tribunal Ongoing
5. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
6. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
7. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
8. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
9. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Withdrawn by applicant
1. Newry Industrial tribunal Ongoing
2. Newry Industrial tribunal Ongoing
3. Newry Industrial tribunal Ongoing
4. Newry Industrial tribunal Ongoing
5. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Ongoing
6. Belfast Institute Industrial tribunal Ongoing

Mr. Stott

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what plans he has to make a public response to the report of the review group led by Noel Stewart; what additional resources his Department will make available to further education colleges in Northern Ireland in order to fund investment in accommodation and equipment; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram

The Government responded to the report of the review group in their statement of 9 February 1993. There are no plans for any further statements. Funding for the further education sector is determined in the light of available resources and relative priorities for expenditure.

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