§ 1982
§ A person undertaking duties in an emergency deemed to be available, (SI 1982–96).
§ A person attending workcamps deemed to be available for a maximum of 14 days, (51 1982–96).
§ A person engaged in providing a service deemed to be available if ready to accept employment or attend an interview at not less than 24 hours notice, (SI 1982–96).
§ 1988
§ Availability may be deemed in the period between a doubt arising on availability and a decision by the adjudication officer in cases where Unemployment Benefit is already in payment, (SI 1988/689).
§ 1989
§ Onus of proof placed on the claimant to show he has reasonable prospects of obtaining employment given his stated restrictions on his availability, (SI 1989/1324).
§ 1993
§ A person providing a service as a "volunteer" deemed to be available if ready to accept employment or attend an interview at not less than 48 hours notice, (SI 1993/1754).