The information requested is as follows. It is based on funding for 1993–94.
Voluntary Organisation |
Funding Received 1993–94 £ |
Business in the Community |
23,630 |
Welsh Women's Aid |
497,987 |
Shelter Cymru |
222,649 |
Special Needs Housing Advisory Service |
73,400 |
Care and Repair |
156,272 |
Tenant Participation Advisory Service (Wales) |
159,000 |
Welsh Tenants' Federation |
82,221 |
Positive Action Training in Housing (Local Authorities) |
23,150 |
Alcohol Concern Wales |
78,758 |
Drugaid |
34,722 |
Youthlink Wales |
68,094 |
Standing Conference of Voluntary Organisations |
201,391 |
84,370 |
People First Wales |
13,283 |
The Civic Trust for Wales |
35,880 |
Welsh Archaeological Trusts |
899,675 |
The Order of St John |
124,221 |
56,130 |
Royal Life Saving Society |
10,000 |
Marie Curie Cancer Care |
500 |
Family Planning Association |
1,600 |
La Leche League |
850 |
Theatr Fforwm Cymru |
3,470 |
British Fluoridation Society |
3,200 |
Extend |
2,800 |
Association of Welsh Wildlife Trusts |
16,200 |
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers |
49,546 |
Centre for Alternative Technology |
15,400 |
Friends of the Earth Cymru |
33,972 |
Keep Wales Tidy Campaign |
195,661 |
National Trust |
5,000 |
Prince of Wales' Committee |
87,824 |
Ramblers' Association |
8,653 |
Royal Society for Nature Conservation |
23,696 |
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds |
3,142 |
Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link |
12,979 |
Age Concern Wales |
213,065 |
Arts for Disabled People in Wales |
37,000 |
British Association for Service to the Elderly |
20,200 |
Carers National Association Wales |
66,301 |
Crossroads Wales |
100,000 |
Hijinx Theatre |
2,400 |
30,520 |
Sense |
25,000 |
Wales Council for the Blind |
95,978 |
Wales Council for the Deaf |
144,700 |
Wales Council for the Disabled |
348,078 |
Wales Disabled Drivers Assessment Centre |
34,028 |
Wales MIND Cymm |
41,819 |
National Schizophrenia Fellowship |
51,263 |
Manic Depression Fellowship |
16,999 |
Alzheimers Disease Society |
44,753 |
CRUSE Bereavement Care |
28,017 |
Welsh Books Council |
1,139,621 |
Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin |
639,316 |
National Eisteddfod |
388,000 |
Urdd Gobaith Cymru |
278,670 |
Nant Gwrtheym |
93,600 |
Papurau Bro |
47,000 |
Welsh Learners' Society (CYD) |
47,000 |
Duke of Edinburgh's Award |
27,500 |
Merched y Wawr |
22,330 |
National Federation of Women's Institutes |
18,325 |
Sunday Schools Council |
14,200 |
Wales Young Farmers |
14,250 |
Cymru a'r Byd |
3,000 |
Council for Education in World Citizenship |
476 |
Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales |
2,500 |
Pont |
8,300 |
Menter a Busnes |
22,000 |
Academi Gymreig |
2,235 |
Royal National Institute for the Blind |
29,545 |
Dolen Cymru |
13,240 |
Baptist Youth Ministry |
10,000 |
Voluntary Organisation |
Funding Received 1993–94 £ |
Boys Brigade in Wales |
14,850 |
Church in Wales Board of Mission |
15,600 |
Guides Cymru |
11,722 |
Gwerin y Coed |
15,000 |
14,000 |
United Reformed Church Youth Project |
10,644 |
Welsh Federation of Boys and Girls' Groups |
114,714 |
YMCA Wales |
48,936 |
Welsh Association of Youth Clubs |
45,899 |
Welsh Scout Council |
21,000 |
Youth Events Wales |
4,200 |
Welsh Chess Union |
5,500 |
British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering |
71,920 |
Catholic Children and Family Care Society (Wales) |
49,460 |
Childline |
61,409 |
Children in Wales |
197,155 |
Children's Society |
111,350 |
Children's Cancer Support Unit |
5,280 |
Gingerbread |
56,639 |
Homestart Consultancy |
25,837 |
Joint Breastfeeding Initiative |
16,810 |
Kids Clubs Networks |
14,978 |
National Children's Homes |
126,040 |
National Association for Young People in Care |
62,730 |
National Childminding Association |
147,750 |
National Fostercare Association |
36,155 |
Relate |
18,530 |
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society |
10,530 |
Wales Assembly of Women |
9,410 |
Wales Pre-School Playgroups Association |
165,820 |
Chwarae Teg |
18,760 |