HC Deb 14 June 1994 vol 244 cc383-4W
Mr. Blunkett

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what discussions she, or her officials, have had with representatives of the Epsom Healthcare NHS trust, regarding arrangements for meeting the pay increase recommended by the pay review bodies.

Dr. Mawhinney

The trust has advised that it will be making pay awards, agreed locally, in line with the recommendations of the national pay review bodies. These increases have been implemented with effect from 1 April 1994.

Mr. Blunkett

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what advice has been issued by her Department or the

Confidential enquiries into Maternal Deaths 1988–90

England and Wales

Category of death by place of birth

Direct1 Indirect2 Fortuitous3 Late4
United Kingdom 89 59 19 26
Republic of Ireland 1
New Commonwealth and Pakistan 20 6 4 8
Other countries 3 3 1
Not stated 27 14 10 7
Totals 139 82 34 42
1Direct = Death was directly related to obstetrics.
2Indirect = Pregnancy was related, but not the primary cause of death.
3Fortuitous = Death was unconnected with pregnancy.
4Late = Death occurred more than 42 days after cessation of pregnancy.

Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will list the numbers of (i) direct maternal deaths and (ii) indirect maternal deaths registered in England and Wales in each of the three-year periods 1985–87, 1988–90 and 1991–93 which were of women born in(a) the United

Deaths of women aged 16 to 50 from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium by country of birth, 1985–87, 1988–90 and 1991–92, England and Wales
Maternal deaths
Country of birth Direct1 (ICD9 630–646, 649–676) Indirect1 (ICD9 647, 648)
1985–87 1988–90 1991–92 1985–87 1988–90 1991–92
Total 114 129 81 23 25 9
United Kingdom 90 102 57 20 23 6
Republic of Ireland 3 1 1
New Commonwealth and Pakistan 12 18 13 3 2 1

NHS Executive regarding the pay settlement recommended by the pay review bodies; and if she will make a statement;

(2) what is the total number of NHS trusts which have so far declared themselves unable to fund the pay increase recommended by the pay review bodies; and if she will list them.

Dr. Mawhinney

No advice has been issued and no trusts have declared themselves unable to fund the pay increase.