HC Deb 14 June 1994 vol 244 cc458-9W
Mr. Tom Clarke

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what research is being undertaken into the coxsackie virus in Scotland.

Mr. Lang

Information on this is not held centrally, but my Department is aware that the Aberdeen university microbiology department is deeply involved in research into the coxsackie virus, particularly in relation to heart disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. This research is being funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Linbury Trust and the British Heart Foundation. A joint research project is currently planned with a group at the Southern general hospital in Glasgow.

In addition the regional virus laboratory at Ruchill hospital, Glasgow is conducting research into the early diagnosis of coxsackie infections using a technique which can identify small amounts of DNA to replace traditional methods of culture. The relationship between coxsackie viruses and chronic fatigue syndrome, aseptic meningitis and juvenile onset diabetes are also actively under research investigation. This work is currently supported by grants from the ME Association and the Linbury Trust.

Mr. Tom Clarke

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the incidence of the coxsackie virus in Scotland in the last two years; and in what geographical areas the problem has been identified.

Mr. Lang

The available information is derived from reports confirming the infection received from laboratories by the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health. The figures for 1992 and 1993 for each health board area are set out. These data do not necessarily reflect the total incidence of the infection in the community, since doctors do not routinely send specimens from every case for laboratory confirmation.

Health board area Number of laboratory reports
1992 1993
Argyll and Clyde 45 79
Ayrshire and Arran 10 4
Borders 5 1
Dumfries and Galloway 29 44
Fife 17 10
Forth Valley 28 35
Grampian 12 5
Greater Glasgow 169 204
Highland 98 38
Lanarkshire 113 127
Lothian 59 18
Orkney 0 0
Shetland 0 2
Tayside 6 3
Western Isles 7 2
Unknown1 39 36
Scotland 637 608
1 cases where the laboratory reported the isolation of Coxsackie virus but where information on the health board area of residence of the patient was not recorded.