HC Deb 12 July 1994 vol 246 cc547-8W
Mr. Kynoch

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what changes he proposes to make in the arrangements for NHS statutory audit in Scotland; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Lang

I am pleased to announce that, following discussions between the Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland and my officials, I have agreed to transfer responsibility for NHS statutory audit to the commission under the terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended by section 36 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. The Accounts Commission for Scotland, as it will then be called, will take responsibility for all the statutory audit work of health boards, NHS trusts, GP fundholders and

Police custody
Date of death Sex Age Force area Cause of death
8 January 1989 Male 76 Strathclyde Hypostatic pneumonia
2 February 1989 Male 47 Strathclyde Subdural haemorrhage
7 February 1989 Male 67 Lothian and Borders Intracranial pressure
24 April 1989 Male 19 Fife Hypoxic brain damage due to hanging
4 May 1989 Male 65 Strathclyde Hypoxia
4 June 1989 Male 76 Strathclyde Fracture of the skull
21 June 1989 Male 16 Strathclyde Aspiration of gastric contents
24 August 1989 Male 68 Strathclyde Acute peritonitis
8 October 1989 Male 49 Strathclyde Intra-cerebral haematoma
4 November 1989 Male 56 Strathclyde Acute subdural haematomas
2 January 1990 Male 43 Strathclyde Acute renal failure
14 January 1990 Male 22 Lothian and Borders Acute pulmonary and cerebral oedema
6 February 1990 Male 62 Strathclyde Head injury
12 February 1990 Male 51 Strathclyde (1) Fatty degeneration of the liver
(2) Chronic alcoholism
5 May 1990 Male 64 Strathclyde (1) Lung abscess
(2) Bronchopneumonia
(3) Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
14 June 1990 Male 42 Lothian and Borders Subarachnoid haemorrhage
16 June 1990 Male 53 Central Scotland (1) Bilateral bronchopneumonia
(2) Polmonary Ehromboembolism
15 November 1990 Male 22 Lothian and Borders Aspiration of vomit
22 November 1990 Male 26 Lothian and Borders Aspiration of vomit
30 November 1990 Male 60 Tayside (1) Cranial cerebral injuries
(2) Blunt force trauma

other health bodies in Scotland from 1 April 1995. It is envisaged that the audit programme will continue to be shared between the public sector and private audit firms.

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