HC Deb 24 February 1994 vol 238 cc423-33W
Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Building Standards advisory committee.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The membership of the Building Standards Advisory Committee is as follows:

  • Professor C. C. Robertson, DA FRIBA FRIAS FRAIA FCIOB (Chairman)
  • Mr. W. Brannan, MCIOB MICT
  • Mr. J. D. Calder, DipBS FRICS
  • Mrs. J. B. Deans, MBE BArch PPRIAS RIBA ACIArb FRSA
  • Dr. E. W. Marchant, RIBA ARIAS MIFireE MSFSE
  • Ms M. E. Marshall, MA(Hons) MSc MRTPI
  • Ms E. M. Masterman, MA(Hons)
  • Mr. W. I. Mitchell, DipTP RIBA ARIAS
  • Mr. A. C. Peaston, MIBC
  • Miss J. H. Renton, LLB
  • Mr. M. Scott, GIFireE
  • Mr. M. A. Underwood BSc DipTech(CEng)
  • Mr. D. Walker
  • Mr. R. S. Webb, BEng MSc CEng FCIBSE

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of Scottish Natural Heritage.

Sir Hector Monro

The members of Scottish Natural Heritage are as follows:

  • Magnus Magnusson, KBE, Chairman
  • Professor Christopher Smout, Deputy Chairman
  • Alan Blackshaw, OBE
  • Councillor Nan Burnett, OBE
  • Bruce Cowe, MBE
  • The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Dalkeith
  • Roy Dennis, MBE
  • Professor George Dunnet, OBE
  • Mr. David Laird
  • Sir John Lister-Kaye, Bt
  • Councillor Duncan McPherson, CBE
  • Dr. Bill Mutch, OBE

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Central Fire Brigades Advisory Council.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The members of the Scottish Central Fire Brigades Advisory Council are at present as follows:

  • Chairman
    • The Rt. Hon. The Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, QC, Minister of State at the Scottish Office
  • Nominated by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
    • Councillor A. Milne
    • Councillor W. E. Axon
    • Councillor G. Bird
    • Councillor P. Donnelly
    • Mr. J. R. McCluskey
  • Nominated by the National Association of Fire Officers
  • 424
    • Mr. G. Newton
    • Mr. P. Kelman
    • Mr. R. Anderson
    • Mr. J. Hood
    • Mr. D. Hutchison
  • Nominated by the Fire Brigades Union
    • Mr. D. Patton
    • Mr. A. Campbell
    • Mr. R. Robertson
    • Mr. A. Munro
    • Mr. T. Tierney
  • Nominated by the Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association
    • Mr. J. White
  • Nominated by the Institution of Fire Engineers
    • Dr. R. W. Docherty
  • Secretary
    • Mr. R. L. Knowles, Scottish Office Home and Health Department

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Seed Potato Development Council.

Sir Hector Monro

New appointments were made to the Scottish Seed Potato Development Council on 18 January 1994. The current members, who will serve for two years, are:

  • Chairman
    • James Stobo, OBE, DL, FRAg.S
  • Independent Member
    • Donald J. R. MacRae
  • Specialist Members
    • J. Alan Twatt
    • John W. Hay
  • Workers Representative
    • Hugh D. Wilson
  • Grower Representatives
    • Alistair D. Strachan
    • Ian R. Stirling
    • Michael I. C. Salvesen, BSc(Agr)Hons
    • Alexander P. Bayne
    • Robert Niven
    • James M. G. Grant
  • Merchant Representatives
    • J. Guthrie H. Fenton, (Deputy Chairman)
    • David Peebles
    • James O. Robertson
    • Gordon C. Smillie
    • James B. Hollywood
    • lain Melrose

All of the appointments are made by the Secretary of State for Scotland. Grower representatives are selected from nominations by the National Farmers Union of Scotland, merchant representatives from nominations by the Scottish Potato Trade Association and the workers representative is provided by the Transport and General Workers Union.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Board of Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Trust.

Mr. Stewart

The current members of the Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Trust are:

  • Sir Alwyn Williams (Chairman)
  • Professor George Ashcroft
  • Professor Michael J. Baker
  • 425
  • Professor Sir Donald Campbell
  • The Lord Goold
  • Mrs. Mary Haggart
  • Dr. Janet Morgan
  • Professor Delphine Parrott

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the Hannah Research Institute.

Sir Hector Monro

There are currently nine Members of the Board of the Hannah Research Institute. They are:

  • Sir William Kerr Fraser (Chairman)
  • Professor J. S. Gillespie
  • Professor Max Murray
  • J. Caldwell, Esq
  • Fraser Evans, Esq
  • C. H. McGhie, Esq
  • Frank Harding, Esq
  • J. R. Laidlaw, Esq


Thomas S. Bryson, Esq

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland.

Mr. Stewart

The current membership of the Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland is listed below:

  • Professor Ian Percy(Chairman)
  • Mr. Angus Pelham-Burn(Deputy Chairman)
  • Mr. James D. S. Bennet
  • Mrs. Marcia Campbell
  • Professor John B. Sewel
  • Mrs. Lorna W. Jackson
  • Mr. Malcolm McIver
  • Mr. John I. M. Little
  • Mr. William W. Japp
  • Mr. Dugald M. Eadie
  • Miss Margaret C. Thomson
  • Mr. Robert M. Maiden

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Advisory Panel of Economic Consultants.

Mr. Stewart

The members currently appointed to the Secretary of State's Panel of Economic Consultants areProfessor Kevin Allen of the University of Strathclyde; Mr. Brian Ashcroft, Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute; Professor Andrew Bain of the University of Glasgow; Professor David Bell of the University of Stirling; Professor Laurie Hunter of the University of Glasgow; Professor Alex Kemp of the University of Aberdeen and Professor Donald MacKay, Chairman of PIEDA.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Parole Board for Scotland.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

I refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow (Dr. Godman) on 4 February 1994,Official Report, columns 963–66.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Council for Educational Technology.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The current members appointed to the Scottish Council for Educational Technology are:

  • Mr. James Graham (Chairman)
  • Mrs Pat Lowrie
  • 426
  • Mr. Tom Wilson
  • Mrs. Lyn Tett
  • Mr. Richard Staite
  • Mrs. Pamela Malton
  • Professor Andrew McGettrick
  • Mr. John Anderson
  • Mr. Duncan Clarke

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

The present membership of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland is as follows:

  • The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, PC (Chairman)
  • Dr. John M. Coles
  • Professor Rosemary J. Cramp, CBE
  • Hon. Lord Cullen, LLD, FRSE
  • Professor J. D. Dunbar-Nasmith, CBE
  • Mrs. J. M. S. Durham
  • Dr. Deborah J. Howard
  • The Hon. Peregrine Moncrieffe
  • Mr. Roland Paxton
  • Professor T. C. Smout, FRSE

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

The present membership of the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland is as follows:

  • Sir Nicholas Fairbaim, QC, MP (Chairman)
  • Mr. James Hunter Blair, DL
  • Sir Ilay Campbell, Bt
  • Councillor Mrs. Patricia Chalmers, JP
  • Mr. Marc Ellington, DL
  • Councillor Ian S. Hutchison, OBE, JP
  • Mr. Kit Martin
  • Mr. J. Angus Mitchell, CB, CVO, MC
  • Miss Georgina Nayler
  • Rev. Charles Robertson
  • Professor Alistair Rowan
  • Mrs. Fiona Walker

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Police (Scotland) Examination Board.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The members of the Police (Scotland) Examination Board are as follows:

  • Independent Members appointed by the Secretary of State
    • Mrs. L. Mckay, (Chairman), Depute Principal, Glenrothes College
    • Mr. J. McCool, Bell College of Technology
  • Appointed by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland
    • Mr. G. A. Esson, QPM LLB, Chief Constable, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary
    • Mr. J. Richardson, Assistant Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police
  • Appointed by the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents
    • Chief Superintendent 1. Wilkie, Grampian Police Vacancy
  • Appointed by the Scottish Police Federation
    • Inspector D. Hendry, Central Scotland Police
    • Inspector E. Moffat, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary
  • Officials of the Scottish Office Home and Health Department
    • Mrs. E. J. Lugton
    • Mr. W. Brash

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Valuation Advisory Council.

Mr. Stewart

The names of those currently appointed by my right hon. Friend as members of the Scottish Valuation Advisory Council are:

  • The Hon. Lord Clyde—Chairman
  • Professor Gordon S. Milne—Deputy Chairman
  • Councillor James F. G. Anderson, CBE
  • Kenneth M. Barclay
  • John A. H. Butters
  • David B. Chynoweth
  • Brian Gill, QC
  • Christopher S. Haddow, QC
  • Ralph A. Hillis, MBE TD
  • Geoffrey E. F. Johnston
  • Councillor John W. MacDougall
  • John Montgomery
  • Councillor Pearl B. Paul
  • Councillor David Sneller
  • Albert V. Tait

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Medical Practices Committee.

Mr. Stewart

The members currently appointed areDr. J. Callander (Chairman), Dr. P. Dolan, Dr. G. McIntosh, Dr. J. Rennie, Mrs. E. C. G. Craghill and Mr. C. A. Crole.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Crime Prevention Council.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The members of the Scottish Crime Prevention Council are as follows:

  • Lord Fraser of Carmyllie, QC (Chairman), Minister of State at the Scottish Office.
  • Mr. Peter Burt, Treasurer and Chief General Manager, Bank of Scotland. (Representing the Committee of Scottish Clearing Bankers).
  • Mr. David Essery, Under Secretary, Scottish Office Home and Health Department.
  • Councillor Brian Fallon, Lothian Regional Council. (Representing the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities).
  • Mrs. Juliet Grant-Hutchison, Solicitor and member of the STUC General Council. (Representing the Scottish Trades Union Congress).
  • Mr. Roger Kent, CBE Convener, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.
  • Mr. David MacLehose, Director, Confederation of British Industry, Scotland.
  • Sir James Mellon, KCMG, Chairman, Scottish Homes.
  • Mr. William McD Moodie, CBE, QPM, Chief Constable, Fife Constabulary. (Representing the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland).
  • Mr. Brian Smellie, Managing Director, James Gray and Sons Ltd. (Representing the British Retail Consortium).
  • "Judy", The victim of a serious sexual assault known publicly only by that name.
  • Only Lord Fraser, Mr. Essery and "Judy" were appointed to the Council by the Secretary of State for Scotland. All other members of the Council were nominated by the individual organisations invited to participate.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the advisory committee on sites of special scientific interest.

Sir Hector Monro

The members of the advisory committee on sites of special scientific interest are as follows:

  • Professor F. T. Last, FRSE, Chairman
  • Dr. J. M. Boyd, CBE FRSE
  • Professor J. M. M. Cunningham, CBE FRSE
  • Professor D. S. Ingram, FRSE
  • Professor J. A. Raven, FRS FRSE
  • Professor W. Ritchie, FRSE
  • Dr. C. D. Waterston, FRSE

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the national galleries of Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

The information requested is as follows:

  • Mr. Angus Grossart, CBE, (Chairman)
  • Mr. Richard Cole-Hamilton, CBE
  • Professor Eric Fernie
  • The Hon. Mrs. Lavinia Gibbs
  • Mr. Eric Hagman
  • Dr. Thomas Johnston
  • Lord Macfarlane of Bearsden
  • Mr. John Packer, CBE
  • Dr. Michael Shea, CVO
  • Professor Alan Tait

Mrs. Fyfe

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will include in the code of conduct and accountability for NHS boards and their members, a requirement that board members should declare any relevant interest before an item of business is discussed and take no part in the debate or vote.

Mr. Stewart

Such a requirement is already imposed on NHS board members by regulations but the issue is also covered in the draft codes of conduct and accountability which have been issued for circulation.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish agricultural wages board.

Sir Hector Monro

The following independent members are appointed by the Secretary of State:

  • R. A. Bennett Esq. CBE QC (Chairman)
  • Mrs. C. Davis MA DipEd
  • D. G. Mackay Esq.
  • W. B. Page Esq.
  • Professor A. W. J. Thomson OBE BA MS PhD

In addition, the following members are nominated by the National Farmers' Union of Scotland and the Rural, Agricultural and Allied Workers National Trade Group (Scotland) of the Transport and General Workers' Union as employers' and employees' representatives respectively:

  • F. R. Evans Esq.
  • J. Goodfellow Esq.
  • D. A. Hinton Esq.
  • J. A. Kilgour Esq.
  • W. McMonagle Esq.
  • J. McMyn Esq.
  • I. A. Melrose Esq.
  • Mrs. A. Mitchell
  • E. J. Stephen Esq.
  • R. Stewart Esq.
  • A. Train Esq.
  • H. D. Wilson Esq.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the justices of the peace advisory committees.

Lord James Douglas Hamilton

My right hon. Friend appoints the members of 56 justices of the peace advisory committees, one in each commission area in Scotland, the total membership of which is over 320; the names of members are published locally. To provide the names of members of all these committees could be achieved only at disproportionate cost. If the hon. Member wishes to know the names of the members of a particular advisory committee I should be glad to arrange this.

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish standing committee for the calculation of residual values of fertilisers and feeding stuffs.

Sir Hector Monro

The current members appointed to the Scottish standing committee for the calculation of residual values of fertilisers and feeding stuffs are as follows:

  • Professor D. Atkinson, BSc, PhD, MIBiol, MIEEM, MIPSS (Chairman)
  • Mr. A. S. Chalmers, FRICS
  • Mr. A. W. Clark, NDA
  • Mr. A. Gray, NDA, NDD
  • Dr. J. W. S. Reith, BSc, PhD, FRSC

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the Red Deer Commission.

Sir Hector Monro

The current membership of the Red Deer Commission is:

  • Mr. Patrick Gordon-Duff-Pennington, OBE (Chairman)
  • Mr. Alexander Calder
  • Mrs. Julia Crowe
  • Mr. Ian Evans
  • Mr. Stephen Gibbs
  • Mrs. Heather Gow
  • Mr. John McDiarmid
  • Mr. John MacKenzie
  • Mr. Archibald MacLeod, OBE
  • Mr. Richard Sidgwick
  • Mr. Ian Smith
  • Professor Brian Staines
  • Lord Strathnaver

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the Scottish Crop Research Institute.

Sir Hector Monro

There are currently 15 members of the board of the Scottish Crop Research Institute. They are:

  • Mr. J. L. Millar, Chairman
  • Professor J. D. Hayes
  • Professor D. L. Lee
  • Professor T. A. Mansfield
  • Professor J. W. Parsons
  • Professor J. A. Raven
  • Professor Heather Dick
  • Mr. J. B. Forrest
  • Mr. A. Inverarity
  • Mr. A. Logan
  • Mr. J. I. Godfrey
  • Mr. L. M. Thomson
  • Mr. A. M. Jacobsen
  • Mr. G. Rennie
  • Mr. T. P. M. Mitchell

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Parliamentary Boundary Commission for Scotland.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The members of the Boundary Commission for Scotland are:

  • Madam Speaker ex-officio, Chairman
  • The Hon. Lord Davidson
  • Professor Urlan A. Wannop
  • Mr. Adam R. Napier

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the consultative committee on freshwater fisheries for Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

Membership of the Consultative Committee for Freshwater Fisheries is:

  • Mr. A. V. Tokely (Chairman)
  • Mr. W. Brown
  • Mr. K. Burns
  • Mr. A. E. Campbell
  • Mr. A. J. Imray
  • Mr. A. D. Jamieson
  • Mr. T. E. Mathie
  • Dr. D. D. Muir
  • Mr. I. Hay

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the national library of Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

The information requested is as follows:

  • Appointed by the Crown
    • The Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres PC (Chairman)
    • Professor Kathleen J. Anderson OBE
    • Mr. Ruari McLean CBE DSC
    • Mr. Jack Dale
    • Mr. John Menzies
  • Appointed by the Faculty of Advocates
    • Judge David Edward GMG QC
    • Mr. Brian Gill QC
    • The Hon. Lord Clyde
    • Mr. Nigel Morrison QC
    • The Right Hon. the Lord Emslie MBE PC
  • Appointed by the Universities
    • Mr. Neil Dumbleton
    • Professor John Butt
    • Professor Alexander Forrester
    • Professor John Small CBE
  • Appointed by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
    • LMr. David Ferguson
    • Councillor Rosemary McKenna

The following members of the board are not appointees:

  • Co-opted
    • The Right Hon. the Earl of Perth
    • Mr. Anthony Ritchie CBE
    • Mrs. Dorothy Dunnett OBE
    • Sir Donald M. McCallum CBE
    • Mr. Michael Strachan CBE
  • Ex-officio
    • The Lord President of the Court of Session
    • The Lord Advocate
    • The Secretary of State for Scotland
    • The Dean of the Faculty of Advocates
    • The Minister of the High Kirk (St. Giles'), Edinburgh
    • The Member of Parliament for Central Edinburgh
    • The Crown Agent
    • The Lord Provost of Edinburgh
    • The Lord Provost of Glasgow
    • The Lord Provost of Dundee
    • The Lord Provost of Aberdeen

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Law Commission.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The current mem-bership of the Scottish Law Commission, who are appointed by my noble and learned Friend the Lord Advocate, is set out below:

  • The Hon. Lord Davidson (Chairman)
  • Dr. E. M. Clive
  • Professor P. N. Love
  • Sheriff I. D. Macphail, QC
  • Mr. W. A. Nimmo-Smith, QC

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the royal botanic garden.

Sir Hector Monro

There are currenly nine members of the board of the royal botanic garden, Edinburgh. They are:

  • Sir Peter Hutchison (Chairman)
  • Dr. Jean Balfour
  • Mr. William Berry
  • Mr. Christopher D. Brickell
  • Mr. David N. Clark
  • Mr. James G. B. Gibson
  • Mr. David B. Nichol
  • Professor Malcolm B. Wilkins
  • Professor Michael M. Yeoman

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Crofters Commission.

Sir Hector Monro

The members currently appointed to the Crofters Commission are as follows:

  • Mr. Hugh A. M. MacLean (Chairman)
  • Mr. Alasdair Cameron
  • Mr. William T. Ritchie
  • Father John Angus Macdonald
  • Mrs. Agnes Rennie
  • Mr. Ian Mackinnon, MBE
  • Dr. Jessie Watt

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the fisheries committee on hydro-electric schemes.

Sir Hector Monro

Membership of the Secretary of State's fisheries committee on hydro-electric schemes is:

  • Mr. R. McGillivray, CEng, FICE, FIWEM (Chairman)
  • Dr. P. R. O. Barnett, BSc, PhD
  • Mr. G. N. J. Smart
  • Dr. L. Laird, MA, PhD, FIFM
  • Mr. O. Russell
  • Mr. F. G. Johnson

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Hill Farming Advisory Committee for Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

The current members of the Hill Farming Advisory Committee for Scotland are as follows:

  • Mrs. P. Alexander
  • Mr. A. W. Barbour, CBE
  • Mr. A. Beaton
  • Mr. J. B. Cameron, CBE
  • Mr. T. A. Cameron, (Chairman)
  • Mr. T. Elliot, MBE, JP
  • Mr. W. Elliot, CBE
  • Mrs. F. Fleming
  • Mr. J. F. S. Gourlay
  • Mr. R. J. Lennox, OBE, JP
  • Mr. J. T. Mackie
  • Mr. R. McLauchlan
  • Professor T. J. Maxwell
  • Mr. G. M. Murray, MBE, JP
  • Mr. J. R. Seton
  • Mr. I. R. Thomson
  • Mr. R. W. Weir

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland.

Sir Hector Monro

The present membership of the Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland is as follows:

  • Professor Eric C. Fernie, FRSE (Chairman)
  • Members:
  • Mrs. Kathleen Dalyell
  • Professor Alexander Fenton, CBE FRSE
  • Mr. John H. A. Gerrard, FRIAS
  • Mr. Tony R. H. Godden, CB
  • Lady Jane Grosvenor
  • Mr. David Hayes
  • Mr. Robert D. Kemohan, OBE
  • Mr. Lionel J. Masters
  • Mr. Roger J. Mercer
  • Dr. Janet Morgan
  • Professor Christopher D. Moms
  • Mrs. Edwina V. W. Proudfoot
  • Dr. Anna Ritchie
  • Mr. David Sellar
  • Mr. James Simpson, FRIAS

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish police college board of governors.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The members of the Scottish police college board of governors are as follows:

  • Scottish Office Home and Health Department (Ex Officio)
    • Mr. J. Hamill (Chairman)
    • Mr. P. M. Russell
  • Appointed by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
    • Councillor E. B. Fallon
    • Councillor J. Jennings
    • Mr. A. V. Tait, Depute Secretary (Finance), COSLA
  • Appointed by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland
    • G. A. Esson Esq, QPM LLB, Chief Constable, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary
    • Sir William Sutherland QPM, Chief Constable, Lothian and Borders Police
    • Leslie Sharp Esq, QPM LLB, Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police
  • Appointed by the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents Chief Superintendent J. Johnstone MBE, Lothian arid Borders Police
    • Chief Superintendent J. Urquhart, Strathclyde Police.

Appointed by the Scottish Police Federation

  • Mr. James Fraser
  • Mr. Eric Adam, Fife Constabulary
  • Mr. Eric Moffat, Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary

Independent Members appointed by the Secretary of State

  • Mrs. L. Mckay, Depute Principal, Glenrothes College
  • Ms Jeane Freeman, Director, APEX SCOTLAND

Scottish Police College (Ex Officio)

  • Mr. H. I Watson QPM, Commandant
  • Mr. A. Walker QPM, Deputy Commandant


  • HMCIC J. M. Boyd CBE, QPM

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of Scottish Homes.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

The membership of Scottish Homes is as follows:

  • Sir James Mellon (Chairman)
  • Mrs. Frances McCall, MBE
  • Professor Duncan MacLennan, MA MPhil FRSA
  • 433
  • Dr. Tom N. A. Begg, OBE JP BA PhD
  • Mrs. Heather Sheerin, OBE
  • Mrs. Daphne M. W. Sleigh
  • Mr. Cameron H. Paker, OBE
  • Professor John Rankin Small, CBE
  • Mr. Alastair C. Dempster, FCIBS
  • Mr. Peter McKinlay (Chief Executive)

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the board of the Macaulay land use research institute.

Sir Hector Monro

There are currently 15 members of the board of the Macaulay land use research institute. They are:

  • Mr. J. M. Crawford
  • Professor J. M. Cunningham (Chairman)
  • Mr. J. Lind
  • Professor P. A. Racey
  • Mr. A. K. Rae
  • Professor J. I. Sprent
  • Dr. P. B. Tinker
  • Professor D. I. Bateman
  • Mr. J. R. Carr
  • Mr. J. F. S. Gourlay
  • Professor H. M. Keir
  • Dr. D. T. M. Lloyd
  • Mr. I. Miller
  • Professor J. H. D. Prescott
  • Professor W. H. van Riemsdijk

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland.

Mr. Stewart

The current membership of the Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland is as follows:

  • The Honourable Lord Osborne (Chairman)
  • Frederick C. Marks, OBE (Deputy Chairman)


  • Stuart McDowall, CBE
  • Professor Susan J. Smith
  • Adam Napier

Mr. Kilfoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the National Board for Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland.

Mr. Stewart

The members currently appointed are:

  • Miss Catherine A. Asher, OBE (Chairman)
  • Mrs. Evelyn C. Mitchell
  • Mrs. Isobel A. Mackinlay
  • Miss Karen S. McErlean
  • Mr. Magnus Shearer
  • Professor William S. Stevely
  • Mr. Robin R. W. Stewart
  • Miss Linda E. Sydie
  • Mr. Peter S. Taylor
  • Mrs. Celia M. L. Urquhart-Logie