§ Mr. KilfoyleTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food who are the members currently appointed to the Spongiform Encephalopathy advisory committee.
§ Mr. SoamesThe members currently appointed to the Spongiform Encephalopathy advisory conmmittee are:
- Dr. D. A. J. Tyrrell, FRS, Chairman
- Professor I. V. Allen
- Professor F. Brown, FRS
- Dr. R. H. Kimberlin
- Mt. D. B. Pepper
- Dr. W. A. Watson
- Dr. R. G. Will
- Dr. W. D. Hueston
§ Mr. KilfoyleTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food who are the members currently appointed to the Veterinary Products committee.
§ Mr. SoamesThe current membership of the Veterinary Products committee is as follows:
- Professor J. Armour, CBE
- PhD, Dr. hc (Utrecht), MRCVS, FRSE
- Dr. D. N. Bateman
- Professor P. M. Biggs, CBE
- DSc, Dr. hc (Liege), DVM (hc) Munich, FRC Path, CBiol,
- Professor J. W. Bridges
- DSc, PhD, MRC Path, CChem, FRSC, CBiol, FIBiol, M Inst Env
- Sci, FIOSH
- Professor J. R. Brown
- BSc, MSc, PhD, FRPharmS, CChem, FRSC, CBiol, FIBiol
- Mr. D. S. Collins
- Dr. A. Cooke
- BSc, PhD, CBiol, MIBiol
- Dr. R. Gaskell
- Professor G. Gettinby
- BSc, PhD
- Miss K. Gibson
- Dr. R. J. Heitzman
- BSc, PhD
- Dr. M. H. Jepson
583- BPharm, MSc, PhD, FRPharmS, MlnstPkg, MIInfSc, MCPP
- Professor G. E. Lamming OBE
- DSc, PhD, MA, BSc, BSc (Agric), FIBiol, NDA BSc, Hon Assoc
- Professor P. Lees
- BPharm, PhD, Hon Assoc RCVS, CBiol, FIBiol, Dr hc (Gent)
- Dr. K. A. Linklater
- Dr. Q. McKellar
- Dr. C. J. Powell
- BSc, MSc, PhD, DipRCPath, MRCPath
- Professor R. H. Richards
- Professor I. K. M. Smith
§ Mr. KilfoyleTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food who are the members currently appointed to each of the agricultural wages committees (England).
§ Mr. JackThe following persons are appointed to the agricultural wages committees in England:
Northern region—Carlisle
- Mr. D. Hill
- The Rev. Cannon R. W. Grayson
- Mr. J. Brandwood
- Mr. C. H. Saunders
- Mr. J. N. Anthony
North Mercia region—Crewe
- Mrs. J. Bond
- Mr. G. Horey
- Mr. S. W. Martin
- Mr. G. B. Carvell
North east region—Northallerton
- Mr. I. Potter
- Mr. A. Nilson
- Dr. W. Belfield
- Mrs. M. Law
- Mr. C. Oakley
East midlands region—Nottingham
- Mr. I. D. McKinnell
- Mr. R. W. Tinn
Anglia region—Cambridge
- Mr. D. S. King
- Mr. J. R. Leishman
- Mr. K. S. John
- Mr. E. J. Peskett
Wessex region—Bristol
- Mrs. M. R. Sellers
South Mercia region—Worcester
- Mr. H. Band
- Mr. S. R. Haswell
South east region—Reading
- Dr. W. T. Jackson
- Miss P. Thorne
- Mr. H. Pollins
- Mr. A. J. Olson
South west region—Exeter
- Mr. A. C. Gregson
- Wing Commander G. W. E. Newby
§ Mr. KilfoyleTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food who are the members currently appointed to the agricultural dwelling house advisory committees.
§ Mr. JackAgricultural dwelling house advisory committees are not standing committees but are set up as required, with a membership drawn from panels of representative and independent members. The panels of independent members for England are appointed as follows:
Northern region—Carlisle
- Mr. T. H. Richardson
- The Rev. Cannon R. W. Grayson
- Mr. D. Hill
- Mr. J. Brandwood
- Mr. C. H. Saunders
- Mr. J. N. Anthony
Anglia region—Cambridge
- Mr. C. Gillot
- Mr. N. J. Mills
- Ms J. I. Firrell
- Mr. E. T. Kirby
- Mr. M. J. Harrison
- Mr. A. F. Felstead
- Mr. K. S. John
- Mr. E. J. Peskett
- Mr. C. J. Barker
- Mr. M. J. Coles
- Mr. P. G. Scates
- Mr. J. L. Fielding
- Mr. D. S. King
- Mr. D. P. Scarle
- Mr. A. W. J. Langford
- Mr. J. R. Leishman
Wessex region—Bristol
- Mrs. M. R. Sellers
- Mr. G. N. Sellers
- Mr. W. H. Spray
- Mr. G. F. Vincent
- Wing Commander N. Rollin
South Mercia region—Worcester
- Mr. H. Bank
- Mr. S. R. Haswell
- Mr. A. Druitt
- Mr. C. P. Love
- Mrs. E. M. Milton
- Mr. G. Nicholas
- Mrs. J. Thomas
South East region—Reading
- Mr. M. R. Alden
- Mr. A. L Rowley
- Mr. B. Brownsey
- Group Captain J. Richardson
- Mr. H. Pollins
- Mr. P. J. Longhurst
- Mr. A. J. Olson
- Ms D. Thornton
- Mr. D. M. Saunders
- Dr. W. T. Jackson
- Mr. A. Basford
- Miss P. Thorne
- Mr. G. B. Miller
- Mr. R. Colling
- Mr. M. G. Lang
- Mrs. E. Slade
- Mr. D. W. A. Stevens
- Mr. A. T. R. Fletcher
- Mr. R. Baden-Smith
North Mercia region—Crewe
- Mr. R. D. Durrand
- Mr. E. Lloyd
- Mr. G. Horey
585- Mr. J. Waterhouse
- Mr. J. M. Darlington
- Mrs. M. M. Carpenter
- Mr. H. Harland
- Mr. S. W. Martin
- Mr. G. V. Covell
North East region—Northallerton
- Mr. I. Potter
- Mr. I. Nelson
- Dr. W. Belfield
- Mrs. M. Law
- Mr. C. Oakley
East Midlands region—Nottingham
- Mr. R. J. Arnold
- Mr. B. J. Clayton
- Mr. R. W. Tinn
- Mr. T. A. Twigg
- Mr. A. W. Wilde
South West region—Exeter
- Mr. A. C. Gregson
- Mrs. S. Weston
- Mr. B. K. Milner
- Mr. P. M. Tresidder
- Mrs. J. Thompson
- Wing Commander S. W. E. Newby