HC Deb 09 February 1994 vol 237 c299W
Mr. William O'Brien

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the estimated reduction in waste sent to landfill sites in 1992–93 and 1993–94 because of the changes made by the packaging industry(a) throughout England and (b) in west Yorkshire.

Mr. Atkins

This information is not available. However, the producer responsibility group, in its report "Real Value, from Packaging Waste", presented to Ministers on 7 February, indicated that it would monitor this in future. A copy of the report is in the Library.

Mr. William O'Brien

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the estimated saving of waste to landfill sites because of recycling of waste materials and incineration by west Yorkshire for the period 1 April 1992 to 1 April 1993 to 1 April 1994.

Mr. Atkins

This information is not currently available. However, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy produces an annual report on waste disposal statistics for local authorities and data for 1992–93 are due to be published by the end of this financial year. I have asked the institute to notify the hon. Member when the report is published. Provided the appropriate authorities reply to the institute's request for information, the information sought by the hon. Member should be provided by the report.