HC Deb 04 February 1994 vol 236 cc959-60W
Mr. Robert Banks

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union.

Mr. Heathcoat-Amory

The following meetings are planned.

7–8 February: Foreign Affairs Council.

14 February: ECOFIN Council.

21–22 February: Agriculture Council.

The following subjects are likely to be discussed:

  1. (a) Foreign Affairs Council: 7–8 February
    • Presidency priorities: open debate
    • EP resolutions
    • White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment: follow-up
    • Accession negotiations: preparation for negotiating meetings
    • CFSP financing
    • Appointments to Court of Auditors
    • Ombudsman decision
    • Relations with Baltic countries: negotiating mandate
    • Russia: progress of negotiations on partnership and co-operation agreement
    • Ukraine
    • Relations with EP, in particular
      • Legislative programme
      • Inter-institutional agreements
      • Ratification of decision on EP seats
    • Former Yugoslavia
    • Appointment of European observer in Cyprus
    • Relations with Algeria: Union position for Co-operation Council
    • Council regulation on implementing EEA
    • Negotiating mandate for mid-term review of Lome IV Trade policy problems
      • Trade policy instruments
      • 960
      • Transfer of jurisdiction to Court of First Instance
      • Uruguay Round: preparation for Marrakesh meeting
      • Conclusion of US/EC agreement of spirits
    • Budget discipline
    • Dual use of goods
    • Other business: relations with Switzerland
  2. (b) ECOFIN Council: 14 February
    • Presidency work programme (possible)
    • Portuguese convergence programme
    • Follow-up to White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment
    • EMU implementation
    • 7th VAT Directive
  3. Agriculture Council: 21–22 February
    • Spanish and Portuguese accession—wine (possible)
    • Greek agricultural surveys (possible)
    • Genetic resources (possible)
    • European forestry information and communication system (possible)
    • Wine balance sheets (possible)
    • Milk producers compensation (possible)
    • Price-fixing
    • Wine regime reform (possible)
    • Plant breeders rights

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