HC Deb 20 December 1994 vol 251 cc1072-5W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will bring up to date for each year since 1974 the figures in paragraph 43 of Cmnd 6003 "Membership of the European Community—Report on Renegotiation".

Mr. Heathcoat-Amory

The United Kingdom's gross and net contribution to the European Community for each year from 1973 to 1993 are set out in the table.the

United Kingdom's gross and net contribution to the EC budget
£ million
Year Gross contributions before abatements of refunds Negotiated refunds Abatement Gross contributions after abatement and refunds Public sector receipts Net contribution after abatement refunds and public sector receipts
1973–74 200 200 104 96
1974–75 197 197 232 -35
1975–76 370 370 354 16
1976–77 544 544 320 224
1977–78 941 941 382 559
1978–79 1,323 1,323 555 768
1979–80 1,665 1,665 781 884
1980–81 1,900 645 1,255 1,022 233
1981–82 2,330 959 1,371 1,146 225
1982–83 2,820 774 2,046 1,308 737
1983–84 3,097 239 2,858 1,897 961
1984–85 3,614 589 3,025 1,892 1,133
1985–86 3,745 323 2,922 1,930 992
1986–87 5,121 1,343 3,778 2,557 1,221
1087–88 4,906 1,137 3,769 1,958 1,311
1988–89 5,167 1,600 3,567 2,400 1,166
1989–90 5,804 1,317 4,487 2,035 2,452
1990–91 6,411 1,838 4,573 2,388 2,185
1991–92 6,129 2,428 3,701 2,757 943
1992–93 6,970 1,993 4,977 2,810 2,167
1993–94 8,407 2,350 6,057 3,864 2,192
1994–95 8,308 1,89 6,409 3,963 2,446

United Kingdom net contribution to EC budget
1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–38 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95
Latest forecast announced by Chancellor on 23 November 1994 2,192 2,446
1994 Departmental Report 2,167 2,166 1,714
1993 Departmental Report 943 2,100 1,731 3,142
1992 Departmental Report 2,185 1,175 2,763 2,934 3,322
1991 Public Expenditure White Paper 2,452 2,079 1,280 3,060 2,540
1990 Public Expenditure White Paper 1,166 2,159 2,047 1,830 2,150
1989 Public Expenditure White Paper 1,811 1,110 2,113 2,100 1,730
1988 Public Expenditure White Paper 1,221 1,601 947 1,610 1,470
1987 Public Expenditure While Paper 992 1,259 1,063 600 1,230
1986 Public Expenditure White Paper 1,133 974 796 1,300 1,110
I985 Public Expenditure White Paper 961 831 898 774 973
1984 Public Expenditure While Paper 737 622 485 665 723
1983 Public Expenditure White Paper 225 711 502 584 685
1982 Public Expenditure While Paper 233 160 630 710 730

1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84
1981 Public Expenditure White Paper 884 427 450 450 450
1980 Public Expenditure White Paper 768 957 1,061 1,200 1,350 1,550
1979 Public Expenditure White Paper 559 680 750 830 780 870
1978 Public Expenditure White Paper 224 435 690 785 855 820
1977 Public Expenditure White Paper 16 225 455 555 640 690
1976 Public Expenditure White Paper -35 25 170 220 270 315

figures in the final column of this table represent the Government's last published estimate for each of these years.

1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84
1975 Public Expenditure White Paper 96 35 130 180 230 275
1974 Public Expenditure White Paper 80 90 145 195 240
1973 Public Expenditure White Paper 80 125 155 195

In this table the final outturn figure is always the last published outturn and may therefore be taken from a later public expenditure White Paper or departmental report than indicated in the left hand column.

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