HL Deb 05 December 1994 vol 559 cc61-5WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What will be the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Chalker of Wallasey)

Justice and Home Affairs and Research Councils were held on 30th November and 1st December.

The following meetings are planned:

5th December ECOFIN, Education
6th December Social Affairs
8th December Internal Market
8th December Consumer Affairs
9th December European Council, Essen
10th December European Council Essen
12th December Agriculture
13th December Agriculture
15th December ECOFIN meeting not yet confirmed
15th December Environment
16th December Environment
19th December FAC, Fisheries
20th December FAC, Fisheries
22nd December Health

The following subjects were discussed

30th November to 1st December: Justice and Home Affairs Council

  • Agenda:
  • —Adoption of the agenda
  • —Approval of the list of "A" items
  • —Presidency progress report on the draft convention on the establishment of Europol
  • —EDU/Europol staff
  • —Presidency report to the Council on burden-sharing with regard to the admission and residence of displaced persons. — Draft common measure on travel facilities for third country nationals (school pupils resident in a member state)
  • —Draft resolution on minimum guarantees for asylum procedures
  • —Presidency progress report to the Council on the proposal for a Council regulation laying down a uniform format for visas.
  • —Draft Council resolution on the further improvement in security at external borders
  • WA 62
  • —Draft resolution on the admission of third country nationals to the territory of member states of the European Union for study purposes
  • —Draft Council resolution relating to limitations on the admission of third country nationals to the territory of the member states for the purposes of pursuing activities as self-employed persons
  • —1994 Budget—draft Council decision on a joint action concerning co-operation measures to be taken in the JHA sector.
  • —Relations with Cyprus and Malta
  • —Implementation of the Berlin declaration of 8 September 1994.
  • —Draft interim report on combating racism and xenophobia.
  • —Draft interim report on co-operation in the campaign against international organised crime
  • —Report and draft resolution on protection of the financial interests of the Communities
  • —Draft convention to improve extradition between the member states of the European Union
  • —Draft convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters (Brussels 11 convention)
  • —Draft convention on insolvency proceedings
  • —Draft report to the European Council on the implementation of the December 1993 action plan in the JHA field. —Other Business—

1st December: Research Council

  • Agenda:
  • —Adoption of 10 specific research programmes
  • —Council conclusions on future work of CREST
  • —Commission presentation of its communication on Research Co-ordination

The following subjects are likely to be discussed:

5th December ECOFIN

  • —White paper follow up
  • —Report on implementation of broad economic guidelines and multilateral surveillance
  • —Fraud
  • —Financial perspectives
  • —Macro economic assistance to third countries
  • —Taxation of savings
  • —Bio-fuels
  • —CO2 tax

5th December: Education

  • —Adoption of agenda
  • —Adoption of the list of "A" points
  • —Decision establishing the Community Action Programme Socrates
  • —Decision establishing a European Year of Education and Training
  • —The quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training.
  • WA 63
  • —The promotion of education and training statistics in the European Union
  • —Negotiations on EC/United States and EC/Canada agreements in the field of higher education and training
  • —Co-operation in the field of education with the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe and with the Russian Federation.
  • —Education aspects of a European Union overall strategy against racism and xenophobia
  • —White paper on growth, competitiveness and employment

6th December: Social Affairs

  • —Adoption of agenda
  • —Adoption of the list of "A" points
  • —Draft directive on posted workers
  • —Draft directive on part-time work and fixed term employment relations and draft resolution on social security
  • —Commission report on employment (preparation for the Essen European Council)
  • —Draft decision on the Leonardo Vocational Training programme
  • —White Paper on European social policy—political debate.—Draft resolution on social policy in the European Union.—Draft resolution on women and employment.
  • —Draft decision on the continuation of the handynet system.—Application of regulation 1408/71 EEC (social security for migrant workers) to posted workers—note from the Belgian delegation
  • —AOB

8th December: Consumer Affairs Council

  • —Unit pricing
  • —Commission Green Paper on access to justice and consumer guarantees
  • —Product labelling
  • —Distance selling

8th December: Internal Market Council

  • Agenda (including possible "A" points)
  • —Functioning of the Internal Market
  • —Legislative and administrative simplification
  • —Information procedure
  • —Cross-border payments
  • —Information society
  • —Data protection directive
  • —Legal protection of databases
  • —Community patents
  • —Pension funds
  • —External trade statistics (possible "A" point)
  • WA 64
  • —Counterfeit goods regulation (possible)
  • —Mutual assistance in customs and agricultural matters (possible)
  • —European medicines evaluation agency fees regulation.—Food additives directive
  • —New foodstuffs and ingredients
  • —Flavourings
  • —Foodlabelling
  • —Irradiated foodstuffs
  • —Motor vehicle flammability (possible "A" point)
  • —"Multipurpose directive" on two and three-wheeled vehicles (possible "A" point for particular common position).—Marketing and use of dangerous substances: fourteenth (formerly thirteenth) amendment (false "B" point).—Measuring instrument
  • —Novel foods
  • —Flavouring
  • —Food labelling
  • —Miscellaneous food additives

9th to 10th December: European Council Essen

  • Agenda not available

12th to 13th December: Agriculture

  • —Wine regime
  • —GATT
  • —CAP simplification
  • —Agrimoney
  • —Durum wheat and oilseeds (possible)
  • —Aid for private storage in Norway, Finland and Austria (possible)
  • —Deseasonalisation premium for beef (possible)
  • —Sugar
  • —Fresh meat directive
  • —Mince meat directive
  • —BST
  • —Animal welfare in transport (possible)
  • —List of third country establishment (possible)
  • —Inspection fee (possible)

15th to 16th December: Environment

  • Agenda not available

19th to 20th December: Fisheries

  • —FACs and quotas
  • —NAFO
  • —French Guyana
  • —Annual fisheries agreement with:
    • —Iceland
    • —Greenland
    • —Norway
    • —Sweden
    • —Baltic States
    • —Faroes
    WA 65
  • —Annual Spanish and Portugese control regulations—Spanish and Portugese accession review (possible)

22nd December: Health

  • Agenda not available