§ Mr. Alan HowarthTo ask the Secretary of State for Education what steps he is taking to ensure that the skills of those responsible for teaching sex education in schools are co-ordinated with those of health education professionals in the Department of Health.
§ Mr. ForthThe forthcoming circular on sex education will offer schools advice on liaison with, and the use made of, external sources of help, including health service professionals.
§ Mr. Alan HowarthTo ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans he has to set up an inter-departmental working group to share, develop and co-ordinate good practice in the delivery of sex education in schools.
§ Mr. ForthMy right hon. Friend has no such plans. The forthcoming draft circular will give schools comprehensive advice on the discharge of their statutory responsibilities for sex education. Further guidance is already available from a variety of sources.
§ Mr. Alan HowarthTo ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans he has to ensure that all schools are able to take advantage of training for delivering sex education, in the period prior to the implementation of the Education Act 1993.
§ Mr. ForthThe grants for education support and training programme for 1994–95 extends the specific grant already available to support the basic curriculum and assessment to cover teacher in-service training and materials associated with the new arrangements for sex education. Schools are free to use this grant as they judge fit.