HC Deb 27 October 1993 vol 230 cc665-6W
Mr. Llew Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many missions to Iraq have now been conducted by the United Nations Special Commission, pursuant to United Nations Security Council resolution; if he will place in the Library copies of the published reports of the UNSCOM visits; and if he will make a statement on progress made during the most recent visit to Iraq.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

The United Nations Special Commission on Iraq has completed 62 missions to Iraq. The 63rd is at present in Iraq. Detailed reports of individual UNSCOM missions are not published. However, general accounts of progress on the location and elimination of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are published by the United Nations every six months. The last of these (S/25977) was issued on 27 June. In addition, ad hoc reports are issued throughout the year covering significant developments, for example S/26571 on Ambassador Ekeus' recent trip to Baghdad. The same applied to reports of the IAEA, eg S/26584 on Iraqi obligations in the nuclear field. All these documents have been placed in the Library of the House.

The present mission to Iraq, UNSCOM 63, is proceeding so far without hindrance. Iraq however has still to satisfy the Security Council that it has provided full, final and complete disclosure of all aspects of its programme to develop weapons of mass destruction as required by United Nations resolutions.

Dr. John Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what action he has taken in the light of reports of recent chemical attacks by the Government of Iraq on its own population.

Mr. Hurd

We are trying to establish whether reports of the use of chemical weapons in Iraq are true.

Dr. John Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will raise in the United Nations Security Council the question of recent chemical attacks by the Government of Iraq on its own population.

Mr. Hurd

We are investigating reports that Iraq has used chemical weapons. We would raise in the Security Council any evidence of actions in contravention of Security Council resolution 687.

Dr. John Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what evidence he has received in respect of recent chemical attacks by the Government of Iraq on its own population.

Mr. Hurd

An Iraqi opposition group, the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) has told us; that the Iraqi army has attacked villages in southern Iraq using chemical weapons. We as yet have no firm evidence of such attacks.

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