§ Mr. Llew SmithTo ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will set out the criteria used by Her Majesty's Government in compiling the United Kingdom bid to the EC KONVER fund on defence industry diversification; which regional organisations were consulted in preparation of the KONVER bid; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. SainsburyThe United Kingdom's proposal for a KONVER programme is based on the European Commission's letter of 28 May to the permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the European Communities which is available in the House of Commons Library. The United Kingdom programme proposes eight selection criteria to be used to select projects for grant assistance. Projects to be given priority are those which:
- (i) accelerate diversification, where possible, so as to render such areas less dependent on this sector;
304- (ii) encourage the development of commercially viable businesses in any sector;
- (iii) demonstrate good value for money and include quantifiable and measureable targets to be monitored;
- (iv) involve an integrated approach to regeneration which will benefit the whole of the area which is the subject of the application;
- (v) involve a high degree of leverage, of finance from other public and private sector sources;
- (vi) are innovatory;
- (vii) complement existing schemes and services provided under relevant CSFs, Community initiatives and national measures.
In compiling the programme the following bodies were consulted:
- Training and Enterprise Councils
- Local Enterprise Companies
- Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- Association of County Councils
- Association of District Councils
- Association of Local Authorities of Northern Ireland
- Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
- Council of Welsh Districts
- Assembly of Welsh Counties
- Scottish Enterprise
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Northern Ireland Industrial Development Board
- Local Government International Bureau
- National Council for Voluntary Organisation (England and Wales)
- Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
- Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
- National Council for Industry Training Organisations
- London Boroughs Association
- Association of London Authorities
- Rural Development Commission
- Industrial Common Ownership Movement.