§ Mr. McAllionTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will list all the computer consultancies employed by her Department and agencies, since November 1991, the tasks for which they were engaged, and the total cost to her Department.
§ Mr. JackThere follows a list giving details of the computer consultancies employed by the Department since November 1991 and the tasks on which they were engaged.
I am unable to provide precisely the total cost of consultancies in that period, since that would involve the officials in considerable effort. However, in recent years the annual budget for computer consultancies has varied between £5 million and £7 million.
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food list of computer consultants employed since November 1991.
- Admiral—Development of computer systems for CAP Reform schemes.
- AIMS Systems—Technical advice on Structured Design Methodology.
- Ampersand—Development of computer systems for CAP Reform schemes.
- Amtec—Advice on quality management.
- Amtec—Support to market testing programme for IT Services.
- Asterisk Systems—Development of computer systems for CAP reform schemes.
174- BIS—Technical advice on Strucutred Design Methodology at the Central Veterinary laboratory.
- Brandt Computers—Development of Resource Management Strategy.
- Bristol University—Development of computer system for National Food Survey.
- Brook Systems—Project Management of Sample Mangernent System.
- Capita—Support to market testing programme for IT Services.
- CCTA—Development of IT Strategy for National Institute of Agricultural Botany and National Meat Hygiene Service.
- CCTA—Support to IT procurements.
- Chris Cole Associates—Advice on strategy for structured cabling.
- Cooper and Lybrand—Support to market testing programme for IT Services.
- Cooper and Lybrand—Development of computer systems for CAP Reform schemes.
- Corporate Computers—Advice on computer systems for National Food Survey.
- CSS Trident—Implementation of Resource Management Strategy.
- Digital Equipment Corp. —Advice on configuration management.
- D M Shaw Associates—Advice on management of change.
- D M Shaw Associates—Development of standards for post implementation review of computer projects.
- D M Shaw Associates—Advice on quality management standards.
- D P P International—Implementation of Resource Management Strategy.
- Duhig Berry—Advice on project management techniques.
- Electronic Facilities Design—Audit of Sample Management System project.
- Electronic Facilities Design—Development of IT training strategy.
- Ernst and Young—Development of Resource Management Strategy.
- Exclusive Software—Conversion of programs to Ingres.
- Exeter University—Development of computer systems for ADAS.
- FI Group—Quality assurance of development of computer system for National Food Survey.
- FI Group—Data conversion for Agricultural Census.
- FI Group—Facilities management of Agricultural Census computer system.
- Forvus Ltd. —Development of National Food Survey system.
- Gateway Systems—Advice on data communications cabling.
- Harwell Computers—Advice on IT system for licence identifications and management.
- Hayes-Davies—Advice on quality management, customer satisfaction surveys.
- Hoskyns—Development of computer system for Farm Woodlands Scheme.
- Hoskyns—Assistance with Ingres database conversion project.
- Hoskyns—Advice on project management tools.
- Inference Ltd. —Implementation of computer system for relocation expenses.
- Intersect Ltd. —Development of IT maintenance strategy.
- ISM Consultants—Assistance with data communications strategy.
- John Guest Ltd. —Advice on data management in the Fisheries Group.
- Kermon Associates—Technical assurance on implementation of office systems.
- Kermon Associates—IT security reviews.
- LBMS—Development of computer system for CAP reform schemes.
- LBMS—Business analysis/feasibility studies/system design.
- LBMS—Advice on standards.
- Logica—Development of knowledge based system in the Animal Health Group.
- Midsummer Computing—Advice on geographical information systems.
- MMT Ltd. —Development of computer system for Licensed Veterinary Inspections, Horticultural Inspection Recording.
- MMT Ltd.. —Advice on relational database management systems.
175- MMT Ltd—Project management for National Food Survey system.
- Mouncey & Partners—Development of computer systems for emergencies planning, meat plant monitoring.
- Mouncey & Partners—Development of IT sub-strategy for Fisheries Group.
- Mouncey & Partners—Assistance with market testing programme of IT Services.
- Mouncey & Partners—Technical assurance on accommodation planning IT project.
- Mouncey and Partners—Feasibility study on milk quotas system.
- Mouncey and Partners—Development of Grants and Subsidies Management System.
- OFICE—Assistance with building cabling projects.
- Opal Ltd. —Conversion of office systems.
- Oracle-Development and implementation of Resource Management Strategy.
- PA Consulting—IT sub-strategy studies.
- PA Consulting—Advice on project costing and management for ADAS.
- PA Consulting—Development of Animal Tracking Project for the Animal Health Group.
- PA Consulting—ADAS Accounting Project.
- PA Consulting—Development of Food Related Database Shells Project.
- PACTUM Ltd. —Ingres program development for the Horticulture Inspection Recording System.
- Perspective—Advice on quality audit.
- Premier Computing—Implementation of Office Systems.
- Price Waterhouse—Development of Resource Management Strategy.
- Price Waterhouse—Development of IT strategy for Central Science Laboratories.
- Prime Computer Systems—Advice on capacity planning. Quanta Learning Systems—Development of IT training guides.
- Reading University—Advice on relation of statistical software.
- Ricardo Ltd. —Advice on end user support documentation.
- SAC Ltd. —Advice on end user support methods.
- Sapphire Ltd. —Support for IT systems in the Veterinary Medicines Directorate.
- Sema Group—Development of Farm Survey System.
- Sequent Computer Systems-Capacity planning.
- Sherwoods Ltd.—Development of computer system for CAP reform schemes.
- Shreeveport—Development of IT strategy for National Meat Hygiene Service.
- Siemens Nixdorf—Implementation of office systems (Project Maiden).
- South-West Health Authority—Implementation of Resource Management Strategy.
- Touche Ross—IT security reviews.
- Touche Ross—Project management for development of IT accounting system in National Institute of Agricultural Botany.
- Touche Ross—Development of IT strategy for personnel management.
- Triad Ltd.—Development of computer systems for CAP reform schemes.
- Triad Ltd.—Development of computer system for Import Licence Identification and Management.
- Triad Ltd.—Development of computer system for administration of pesticide approval applications.
- Triad Ltd.—Implementation of Resource Management Strategy.
- Zergo Ltd.—Security review of data communications network.