HC Deb 23 March 1993 vol 221 cc539-40W
Mr. Alton

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what Her Majesty's Government are doing to raise human rights violations against religious and racial minorities in Sudan at the United Nations Security Council and to encourage the United Nations to follow up the General Assembly resolution of December 1992 on the human rights situation in Sudan.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

We were a prime mover in the adoption of the UN General Assembly last December of a resolution condemning the Sudanese Government's human rights record; and in the adoption this month of a resolution in the UN Commission on Human Rights, which provides for the appointment of a public rapporteur to investigate the human rights situation in Sudan. We will keep under review the possibility of further UN involvement.

Mr. Alton

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what Her Majesty's Government are doing to engage the United Nations in the peace process in Sudan's civil war.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

We welcome the undertaking given on 23 February by both the Government of Sudan and Dr. John Garang of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army's Torit faction to meet for further talks under Nigerian auspices in Abuja. We will keep under review the possibility of a United Nations role at some stage of the peace process.

Mr. Alton

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what Her Majesty's Government are doing to assist the Sudanese Government to enable international aid to reach non-Muslims there.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Since the beginning of the current food crises in November 1989 Britain has provided £19 million in bilateral humantarian relief to the largely non-Muslim population in southern Sudan. A further £2 million has been provided to help the displaced elsewhere in the country, many of whom are from the south.

In a demarche on 7 March we and our EC partners urged the Government of Sudan to ensure that the conditions exist to allow humanitarian relief to reach all those in need.