HC Deb 10 March 1993 vol 220 cc557-8W
Mr. Alan W. Williams

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list for each year since 1987–88(a) the estimated market value at 1993 prices of property owned by the Welsh Development Agency, (b) the amount raised by the sale of property, (c) the total floor area of property owned and (d) the total floor area of property sold; and if he will provide forecasts of the corresponding figures for years until 1996–97.

Mr. David Hunt

I have arranged for the chief executive of the agency to write to the hon. Gentleman, and for a copy of his response to be placed in the Library of the House.

Mr. Alan W. Williams

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how much of the finance for the work of the Welsh Development Agency has come from European Community sources in each year since 1987–88; and how much is expected to come from European Community sources in each year to 1996–97.

Mr. David Hunt

Figures for the period 1987–88 to 1992–93 are set out in the table:

Finance from the European Community
1987–88 502,166
1988–89 2,560,725
1989–90 1,759,046
1990–91 3,917,682
1991–92 1,231,505
11992–93 804,252
1 To 5 March 1993.

Note: Figures include loans from the European Coal and Steel Community for which the WDA acts as agents.

EC funding for future years will be dependent upon the number of successful bids made by the agency.

Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) how much has been allocated to and how much has been spent of the Welsh Development Agency's technology growth fund budget, in each of the last four years;

(2) if he will list the projects which have been funded from the Welsh Development Agency's technology growth fund budget in each of the last three years; and what was the funding level granted to each project.

Mr. David Hunt

The Welsh Development Agency's technology growth fund—TGF—is supported from its investment, grant in aid budget which includes a number of other investments. TGF expenditure in each of the last three years and a forecast outturn for the current year is as follows:

Total WDA technology growth fund payments
1989–90 540,000
1990–91 120,000
1991–92 92,500
1992–93 400,000

I am not able to provide details of support to individual companies as this may be commercially sensitive.