§ Mr. MilburnTo ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the average annual cost of employing(a) a senior manager, (b) a consultant, (c) a senior house officer, (d) a qualified nurse, (e) an ambulance driver, (f) a porter, (g) a medical laboratory, scientific officer and (h) a cleaner in the NHS in each year since 1986–87 at (i) cash prices and (ii) 1986–87 prices.
§ Dr. MawhinneyThe information requested is not readily available. The figures shown in the tables are estimated by combining information from national health service annual accounts and from medical and non-medical censuses.
§ Dr. MawhinneyThe information available is shown in the table. More comprehensive information about national health service manpower is published in the "Statistical Bulletin on NHS hospital and community health services non-medical staff in England: 1981–1991" 183W and associated press release—H93/626 NHS Non-Medical Workforce Statistics—dated 12 March 1993, copies of which are available in the Library.
National health service workforce by staff group Whole-time equivalents 1988 compared with 1987 1989 compared with 1988 1990 compared with 1989 1991 compared with 1990 1991 compared with 1987 Main staff groups 1987 1988 Number Per cent. 1989 Number Per cent. 1990 Number Per cent. 1991 Number Per cent. Number Per cent. Nursing and midwifery staff 397,910 397,650 -260 -0.1 398,050 400 0.1 395,360 -2,690 -0–7 392,200 -3,160 -0.8 -5,710 -1.4 Professions allied to medicine 34,940 35,640 700 2.0 36,710 1,070 3.0 37,300 590 1.6 37,960 660 1.8 3,020 8.6 Scientific and professional 10,860 11,600 740 6.8 12,080 480 4.1 12,690 610 5.0 13,530 840 6.6 2,670 24.6 Other professional and technical 33,170 32,530 -640 -1.9 32,370 -160 -0.5 33,990 1,620 5.0 35,390 1,400 4.1 2,220 6.7 Medical and dental 41,570 42,840 1,270 3.1 44,090 1,250 2.9 45,390 1,300 2.9 46,530 1,140 2.5 4.960 11.9 Ancillary 115,060 107,620 -7,440 -6.5 102,360 -5,260 -4.9 95,690 -6,670 -6.5 85,890 -9,800 -10.2 -29,170 -25.4 Administrative and clerical 113,900 114,720 820 0.7 116,840 2,120 1.8 120,040 3,200 2.7 127,370 7,330 6.1 13,470 11.8 General and senior managers 700 1,240 540 77.1 4,610 3,370 271.8 9,680 5,070 110.0 13.340 3,660 37.6 12,640 1,805.7 Maintenance 18,470 17,330 -1,140 -6.2 16,540 -790 -4.6 16,020 -520 -3.1 15,120 -900 -5.6 -3.350 -18.1 Works 5,710 5,320 -390 -6.8 4,640 -680 -12.8 3,900 -740 -15.9 3,230 -670 -17.2 -2,480 -43.4 Ambulance (including officers) 19,010 18,760 -250 -1.3 18,860 100 0.5 18,130 -730 -3.9 18,190 60 0.3 -820 -4.3 Source: NHS Workforce in England/KM49 Census.
All figures are rounded to the nearest 10.
Information for 30 September 1992 is not yet available.
The table reflects some redesignation between staff groups.
Project 2000 trainees are not included in the above nursing and midwifery figures.
Medical and dental staff figures exclude locums.
Nursing and midwifery figures exclude agency staff.
The increase in managers can largely be explained by a phased introduction of a general and senior manager class which includes many people previously classed under clinical, professional and administrative headings. For example, many senior nurses are now counted as senior managers. Management in the NHS still only represents 1.7 per cent. of the total NHS work force and 3 per cent. of all pay expenditure.
Project 2000 nurse training was introduced in 1989 and will eventually become the only form of general qualified nurse training. At September 1990 there were about 3,000 Project 2000 students; at September 1991 there were 10,500. There were corresponding falls in the number of traditional student nurses. Project 2000 students are considered to be supernumerary and are not included in work force statistics.
The general and senior managers category was introduced in phases from 1984 following the Griffiths report of 1983, which identified a severe shortage of managers in the NHS. The first phase was the appointment of a general manager in each health authority and hospital and community health service—HCHS—unit. In 1987, the first senior managers were appointed—up to seven posts at board level in each health authority. In 1989, the senior manager class was extended to staff below board level, and to those in family health services authorities and HCHS units. Virtually all general and senior management posts created up to 1989 replaced posts formerly counted within the administrative and clerical and other staff groups. In 1990 and 1991, transfers of staff into the senior manager category from other staff groups continued. New funds were provided as a planned strengthening of the personnel, information and finance functions in preparation for the NHS reforms.