HC Deb 27 July 1993 vol 229 cc883-4W
Mr. Milburn

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on how many occasions in each of the last five years officers of ADAS have visited mink and Arctic Fox fur farms.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

Responsibility for this matter is delegated to ADAS and I have asked the chief executive to write to the hon. Gentleman direct.

Letter from Dr. J. M. Walsh to Mr. Alan Milburn, dated 28 July 1993:

In answer to your question, according to our records in each of the last five years ADAS undertook the following visits on behalf of MAFF.

  • 1988 27
  • 1989 31
  • 1990 26
  • 1991 19
  • 1992 17

Over this period ADAS also undertook a small number (approximately 6) of fee paid consultancy visits to mink farms.

ADAS became an Executive Agency on 1 April 1992. The visits on behalf of MAFF are now carried out under a contract with the MAFF Policy Division. As a contracting organisation, it not our normal practice to disclose information relating to the contracts we undertake. Could I suggest that further enquiries should be directed to the Customer Group within MAFF.

Mr. Milburn

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) on how many occasions in the last five years officials of the state veterinary service have advised mink fur farmers to improve the conditions in which the animals are being held in order to avoid prosecution; and if he will give details;

(2) on how many occasions in the last five years officials of the state veterinary service had advised Arctic fox fur farmers to improve the conditions in which the animals are being held in order to avoid prosecution; and if he will give details.

Mr. Soames

In monitoring welfare standards on fur farms, the state veterinary service operates to the guidelines laid down in the relevant recommendations adopted by the Council of Europe. Were conditions to be found which warranted immediate prosecution, we would

EC Sugar quotas and production 1991–92
'000 tonnes white sugar equivalent
Member State Quota Non-quota 'C' sugar production 1991–924 Total production 1991–921 1991–92 consumption Difference between total production and consumption
'A' quota 'B' quota
France2 2,996 806 740 4,387 2,082 2,305
Denmark 328 97 43 468 222 246
Belgium/Luxembourg 680 146 66 892 455 437
Ireland 182 18 13 213 124 89
Netherlands 690 182 174 1,046 582 464
Germany 2,638 811 460 3,909 2,865 1,044
United Kingdom 1,040 104 72 2,346 2,280 66
Italy 1,320 248 1,509 1,606 -97
Greece 290 29 273 333 -60

not hesitate to take such action. Centrally held records on the welfare inspections of fur farms date from 1990 and written advice on improvements was given in one case.

Mr. Milburn

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what were the number of mink farms over the past 10 years.

Mr. Soames

Information is only readily available for the last five years. No mink farms have been licensed during this time in Wales. Information with regards to England is as follows:

As at 31 March 1989 52
As at 20 February 1990 43
As at 20 February 1991 25
As at 12 March 1992 25
As at 20 July 1993 13

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