HC Deb 06 July 1993 vol 228 cc118-20W
Ms Primarolo

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the capital and revenue cost of the national health service management executive and each regional health authority in each of the last five years; and what are the projected costs for the next two years.

Table 1
NHSME expenditure
Year 1990–91 1991–92 1992–93 (estimated) 1993–94 (allocation)
Running costs (£) 29,933,505 29,402,541 42,883,317 32,939,954
Capital (£) 339,000 483,712 511,745 6,415

Note: Figures are not adjusted for inflation and exlcude accommodation and related costs.

Expenditure on headquarters administration by regional health authorities for the financial years 1987–88 to 1990–91 is shown in table 2.

Figures derived from RHAs' 1991–92 annual accounts are shown in table 3. The 1991–92 figures are not comparable with those for the earlier years and should be interpreted with caution. Simple comparison between authorities is misleading because RHAs devolved their non-core functions at varying times and bore different costs on their regional budgets.

Relevant capital costs are not readily available.

Table 2
Regional Health authorities expenditure on headquarters administration £000
RHA 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91
Northern 6,146 6,236 7,475 9,329
Yorkshire 8,675 8,962 10,706 13,158
Trent 11,963 12,648 11,498 11,797
East Anglian 6,220 7,309 8,140 11,487
N. W. Thames 5,919 7,361 9,119 12,110
N. E. Thames 10,237 11,130 13,065 15,335
S. E. Thames 10,733 12,347 15,044 16,516
S. W. Thames 10,388 11,103 13,720 15,234
Wessex 4,436 4,891 6,244 8,578
Oxford 3,334 3,639 4,704 6,266
South Western 5,296 6,180 8,000 10,556
West Midlands 13,318 13,946 18,019 27,353
Mersey 4,020 4,440 6,044 6,336
North Western 13,149 12,805 12,356 13,634

Source: annual accounts of regional health authorities. (Figures not adjusted for inflation).

Table 3
Regional health authorities: Expenditure on administration, purchasing and other expenses 1991–92
Regional health authority £ thousand
Northern 18,715
Yorkshire 164,532
Trent 18,169
East Anglian 8,003
North West Thames 19,582
North East Thames 31,872
South East Thames 16,519
South West Thames 13,133
Wessex 19,974
Oxford 26,741
South Western 15,546
West Midlands 22,338
Mersey 23,961
North Western 12,952

Mr. Sackville

Expenditure figures for the national health service management executive (NHSME) are shown in table 1. The distribution of functions between the NHSME and other parts of the Department of Health is evolving from year to year and figures cannot, therefore, be directly compared from one year to the next. Figures are not available prior to 1990–91, nor for future years —allocations have not been made beyond 1993–94.

1 See Note 3 to the tables.


1. Headquarters administration covers the total current—revenue—expenditure on the pay and accommodation costs of staff of all disciplines, including general and senior managers, and their support staff employed at regional health authority—RHA—headquarters levels.

2. The figures for the years prior to 1991–92 vary between regional health authorities, as regions were managed in an integrated way and the balance of management between regional health authorities and their respective district health authorities—DHAs—differed between regions. The figures were also influenced by other factors including differences in the geographic size of regions, in the numbers of district health authorities they included and in the extent to which regional health authorities directly managed operational services.

3. Following the implementation of the national health service reforms, the role of regional health authorities is changing and this has a major impact on the figures for 1991–92. There are significant variations in the extent to which regional health authorities have retained or devolved management, support and operational services functions and in the extent to which their costs are borne or recharged to users. Some regional health authorities are directly involved in the purchaser function while the figures for others include additional significant costs—notably the payments of funds for nursing and other staff training to health providers.

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