§ Mr. JoplingTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement on the progress to establish new environmentally sensitive areas; and what management commitments and financial remuneration he is proposing.
§ Mr. GummerPursuant to the answer given on 2 December 1992 at columns 224–25, I am today laying before both Houses of Parliament the six designation orders providing for the introduction of six new environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) in England. These new ESAs are:
- Avon Valley;
- Exmoor;
424- Lake District;
- North Kent Marshes;
- South Wessex Downs; and
- South West Peak.
Information packs giving details of the areas covered, scheme conditions and payment rates are being placed in the Libraries.
I am delighted to be able to introduce these new ESAs which will add some 426,000 hectares to the 387,000 hectares currently within ESAs in England. The new areas contain some of our most beautiful countryside and important wildlife areas. I am confident that like the existing schemes, they will play a significant part in the conservation and enhancement of landscapes, special habitats and features of historic interest.
Details of the new schemes are being sent to farmers in each area and applications to join them should be lodged with the Ministry's regional service centres before 31 March.
I will shortly be issuing for consultation our proposals for the introduction of a further six new ESAs which we plan to launch next winter. I will also be announcing the conclusions of my review of the existing schemes in the Breckland, Clun, North Peak, Suffolk river valleys and the Test valley.