The information is contained in the following tables. Table A lists the applications received for named capital projects from schools with grant-maintained status as at December 1992. Decisions on allocations to these schools have not yet been taken. Table B gives details of the bids received and the actual allocations made to grant-maintained schools under the574W
technology schools initiative. Schools which became grant-maintained on 1 January 1993 have been invited to submit bids by 25 January 1993 for named capital projects and for resources under the technology schools initiative.
Table A Grant-maintained schools capital bids for named projects 1993–94 Complete list of bids |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Acle |
Conversion to provide technology facilities |
145 |
Single Classroom extension |
75 |
Adams |
Repair support & facade of main entrance |
105 |
Replace 2 temporary classrooms |
100 |
Ancaster High |
Roof conversion |
106 |
Angley |
Re-modelling of design/technology department |
599 |
Archbishop's |
Refurbishment of laboratories and classrooms |
657 |
4 new classrooms |
147 |
Ash Green |
Replacement of boilers |
150 |
Audenshaw |
2 new classrooms |
120 |
4 new classrooms |
260 |
Avonbourne |
Adaptations to technology and science departments |
440 |
Avon Valley |
Extension of science and technology facilities and refurbishment |
457 |
Refurbishment of sports hall/gymnasium |
207 |
Aylesford |
New 2-storey technology/art block |
345 |
Bacup and Rawtenstall |
Technology/science laboratory |
66 |
Convert solid fuel boilers to gas |
68 |
Baines |
New technology block and upgrade science facilities |
750 |
Balcarras |
Re-roofing of part of school |
91 |
Bankfield |
Re-fenestration |
604 |
Upgrade 6 science laboratories |
275 |
Barnehurst Infants |
2 new classrooms to replace mobiles |
122 |
Barnehurst Junior |
1 new classroom to replace mobile |
66 |
Bassingbourne |
Reorganisation and refurbishment to provide technology facilities |
136 |
Baverstock |
Design and technology centre |
499 |
Re-roofing of existing building |
225 |
Beacon |
Extend canteen facilities |
34 |
New cloakroom and office |
38 |
Beaconsfield |
Re-cover flat roofs of main building |
190 |
Replace 10 temporary classrooms |
1,375 |
Beauchamps |
Boiler replacement and energy conservation |
118 |
Upgrade design and technology rooms |
90 |
Beaverwood |
New technology block |
348 |
Beechen Cliff |
Refurbish and alter science block |
1,161 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Urgent drainage to prevent subsidence |
139 |
Belmont Primary |
New hall, stores and changing rooms |
178 |
Replace school |
2,227 |
Bingley |
Phase 2 of science wing |
400 |
Bishopshalt |
Replace old boiler with gas heating system |
46 |
Borough Green |
2 additional infant classrooms |
156 |
Borrows Wood Junior |
Health and safety improvements |
65 |
Resource area |
45 |
Boswells |
New technology block and link |
306 |
New technology block and refurbish CDT block |
607 |
Bourne Abbey |
2 additional classrooms, science/technology room and toilets |
198 |
Replace 7 flat roofs |
60 |
Bournemouth |
Replace technology facilities |
487 |
Bournemouth School for Girls |
New technology/business centre/IT block |
1,050 |
Bradbourne |
Technology provision |
62 |
Main network PC system |
25 |
Bridgewater Hall |
Redevelopment of technology block |
128 |
Bridgewater Hall with Brindley Hall |
Replace shared boiler |
264 |
Bromsford |
Major repairs to roof and walls |
499 |
Brookmead |
Shower block |
53 |
Bruton Primary |
Phase 2 of classroom extension |
80 |
Budmouth |
Refurbish science department |
559 |
Bullers Wood |
5 new laboratories |
466 |
Burgate |
2 new science laboratories |
266 |
Burntwood |
Replace rotten windows |
453 |
Upgrade science classrooms and fire escape |
458 |
Caistor |
2 new rooms for design technology and IT |
265 |
Canterbury |
New block of laboratories and toilets |
383 |
New block of laboratories, toilets and refurbishment of 3 laboratories |
512 |
Cardinal Vaughan |
Technology unit |
408 |
Carres |
Re-roof laboratory and main blocks |
67 |
Castle Hills |
Extend technology block and science laboratory alteration |
404 |
Kitchen and dining room extension |
105 |
Chalfonts |
Extension of science laboratories |
312 |
Chalvedon |
Phase 3 of middle school refurbishment |
850 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Charles Darwin |
Phase 3 of re-wiring of school |
120 |
Chatham Girls |
New technology block |
327 |
Cheam |
New technology block |
306 |
Chelmsford Girls |
New science department |
1707 |
Chosen Hill |
Alterations to form science laboratories |
250 |
Christchurch |
New classroom |
90 |
City of Portsmouth |
Refurbish 4 science laboratories |
220 |
Convert 2 classrooms to science laboratories |
75 |
Claremont High |
Phase 2 technology block to relieve temporary accommodation |
350 |
Refurbish home economics and CDT accommodation |
200 |
Clitheroe Royal Grammar |
New science block and 6 classrooms |
820 |
Collingwood |
External fabric refurbishment |
294 |
Refurbishment laboratory and science block |
432 |
Colyton |
Replace central heating system |
145 |
Coopers |
New technology block |
335 |
Copland |
Refurbish 4 science laboratories |
173 |
Cornwallis |
Refurbish science laboratories |
310 |
Costessey High |
Extend and adapt technology suite |
350 |
Extension for 2 science labs |
240 |
Cotswold |
Boiler replacement |
113 |
Insulation and heater replacement |
42 |
Cranbrook |
Alterations for English and History departments |
46 |
Crofton, Hampshire |
8 new science laboratories to replace temporary accommodation |
750 |
6 new science laboratories to replace temporary accommodation |
590 |
Crofton, Kent |
New science room |
96 |
Cromer Hill |
Improvements to technology facilities and conversion to science laboratories |
255 |
Improvements to technology facilities |
205 |
Crompton Fold |
New classroom and changing room to replace temporary accommodation |
125 |
Repairs to heating installation |
95 |
Crossgates Primary |
New classroom base |
50 |
Crossley Heath |
Total refurbishment of laboratories |
239 |
Extension and alterations to technology block |
417 |
Crypt |
Extension for science/technology |
475 |
Dartford Boys |
New technology and science block |
350 |
Roof and guttering repairs |
218 |
Dartford Girls |
New technology block and adaptations |
635 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
New technology block and classrooms and adaptations |
750 |
Denefield |
New science laboratories |
86 |
Dereham First |
New classroom |
63 |
Desborough |
Refurbish and convert laboratories |
332 |
de Stafford |
Refurbish maths and science block |
1,700 |
Re-roof design and technology wing |
91 |
Downham Market |
Technology wing to replace mobiles |
806 |
Downs |
New laboratories and teaching wing to replace mobiles |
476 |
Drayton Manor |
Repair roof |
77 |
Eastwood |
Re-model and refurbish technology block |
124 |
Ecclesbourne |
Phase 2 of technology block |
342 |
Replace temporary accommodation with new build |
591 |
Ellen Wilkinson |
Replace window units in tower block |
105 |
Phase 1 refurbishment to extend science area |
103 |
Elliot |
Science accommodation and new corridors |
548 |
As above |
327 |
Elmwood Primary |
Replace temporary accommodation |
832 |
Replace temporary accommodation |
514 |
Epsom and Ewell |
IT development |
219 |
Ermine Junior |
New science and technology classroom |
52 |
Francis Bacon |
Refurbish science laboratories |
238 |
Up-grade fire resistance |
68 |
Furtherwick Park |
Replace boiler system |
149 |
Refurbish toilets and changing rooms |
72 |
Gamlingay Village |
Replace 4 temporary classrooms |
234 |
Re-model and refurbish science/technology facilities |
178 |
Gartree |
Additional science laboratory and fire exit |
223 |
Gleed Girls |
Phase 1 of improvement works |
423 |
Glyn |
Phase 2 of new technology block |
380 |
Gordons |
Gymnasium |
275 |
Great Barr |
Fire prevention for 4 floor block |
370 |
Great Tothyam Primary |
Demolish temporary classroom, conversion and new block |
308 |
Greenford High |
Conversion and extension to teaching accommodation |
1,076 |
Repair and extend technology accommodation |
510 |
Gresham Village |
4 new classrooms and inside toilets |
331 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Handsworth |
Specialist technology rooms |
284 |
General teaching space |
334 |
Hardley |
2nd phase of heating system |
184 |
Re-covering of flat roofs |
176 |
Hartshill |
Re-wire whole school |
262 |
Haydon |
New technology block/extend technology facilities/additional classroom |
380 |
Extend technology facilities/additional classrooms and additional laboratories |
740 |
Hayes |
Refurbish technology accommodation |
277 |
Refurbish science accommodation |
146 |
Hayes Manor |
Fire protection and ventilation |
132 |
Refurbish technology accommodation |
440 |
Hayton |
Extension and alteration to replace temporary accommodation |
224 |
Heacham Middle |
New technology room |
75 |
Heathside |
Refurbish 3 science laboratories |
165 |
Heckmondwike |
Phase 2 of repairs to old block |
189 |
Hendon |
Conversion for science/technology and maths |
463 |
Herschel |
Fire doors, alarms and replace fume cupboards |
177 |
Phase 2 of technology block and up-grade art |
98 |
Highams Park |
Refurbish gymnasium and changing rooms |
56 |
Re-route heating system |
33 |
Highcliffe |
Fire doors, escapes, alarms, fume extraction |
165 |
Holy Trinity Primary |
Classroom renovation |
187 |
Homewood |
New technology rooms |
587 |
John Fisher |
Additional storey to existing building |
853 |
Additional 2 storeys to existing building |
1,175 |
Katherine Lady Berkeley |
Major roof repairs |
161 |
Katherines Primary |
Conversion of teaching areas |
92 |
Kelsey Park |
New technology block |
338 |
King Edward VI |
Replace temporary accommodation by technology/art block |
299 |
King Harold |
Re-roofing and renew curtain wall sealing |
210 |
King John, Northants |
Replace slate roof and repair curtain walling |
55 |
King John, Essex |
Refurbish laboratories and prep rooms |
193 |
Kings |
Extension to science/IT block |
475 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Kingsley Park |
Alteration of basement to kitchen/canteen facilities |
245 |
Kingswood |
Replacement of main heating system |
347 |
Kirbie Kendal |
Phase 1 for science/technology facilities |
950 |
Lancaster Girls |
Replace temporary classrooms and new science/technology facilities |
925 |
Roof repairs |
42 |
Langley Grammar |
Extension for 2 science laboratories |
252 |
Langley Park |
Re-model and refurbish craft block |
269 |
La Retraite |
Final stage of kitchen refurbishment |
69 |
Conversion to music room |
54 |
Lincoln Christ Hospital |
Demolish temporary accommodation and extend technology/science facilities |
199 |
Alter and refurbish shower block |
48 |
Loddon Middle |
Conversion to create science room |
24 |
Improve administration accommodation |
18 |
Lodge Park |
Replacement of mobiles and refurbishment |
675 |
London Nautical |
Replace boiler and central heating system |
399 |
Refurbish design/technology facilities |
218 |
London Oratory |
Up-grade kitchen/dining facilities |
453 |
Longfield High |
Conversion to science laboratory and 2 classrooms |
166 |
Phase 3 of re-roofing |
70 |
Manor |
Replace oil with gas central heating system |
125 |
Renew roof covering |
82 |
Manor High |
Proposed technology suite |
596 |
Manshead High |
Replace oil with gas central heating |
110 |
Magdalen |
Heating system |
65 |
Upgrade of kitchen |
29 |
Mailing |
Re-model technology block |
357 |
Maplesden Noakes |
Replace boilers |
200 |
Conversion to science laboratory and technology room |
100 |
Marling |
New science block |
781 |
Marshland High |
Extension and adaptations to technology suite |
335 |
New science laboratories and adaptations for art room |
260 |
Mellow Lane |
Major repairs and health and safety work |
382 |
New technology block |
827 |
Meopham |
Gas supply and new heating system |
315 |
Build caretaker's house |
75 |
Minster College |
Refurbish technology facility |
364 |
Mosely Park |
New science laboratories |
283 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Moulton |
Phase 3 replacement of mobiles |
200 |
Myton |
Extend and refurbish existing workshops for design & technology |
562 |
Science extension and adaptations |
1,163 |
Netherthorpe |
Replace temporary accommodation by 4 room modern language block |
345 |
Re-construct 1801 teaching block |
489 |
Newent Community School |
Refurbish home economics |
235 |
Refurbish science laboratories |
212 |
Newlands Spring Primary |
Replacement of temporary classroom |
49 |
Newstead Wood |
New technology block |
325 |
Newton Bluecoat |
New changing rooms, medical inspection room and disabled toilet |
55 |
Nonsuch |
New classroom and re-model science labs |
412 |
Northampton Boys |
Improve science/technology facilities |
343 |
2 new laboratories and 2 new classrooms |
596 |
North Crescent Primary |
3 new classrooms |
194 |
North Halifax |
Technology suite |
298 |
Essential cladding repairs |
164 |
North Kesteven |
Re-wiring of lower school block |
175 |
Re-roofing |
301 |
Northlands Junior |
Essential perimeter security fencing |
35 |
Northolt High |
Partial re-roofing |
344 |
Northwood |
Re-roofing and repairs to rainwater goods |
225 |
Conversion of science laboratories and classrooms |
65 |
Norwich Road |
Roof renewal of main block |
121 |
Renewal of main boilers |
45 |
Oakwood Park |
Conversion and refurbishment for technology suite |
615 |
Oldfield |
2 new science laboratories and refurbishment of laboratories |
363 |
Park Lane Primary |
Re-roof |
183 |
Parkside 1st |
Phase 1 and 2 of front extension |
184 |
Phase 1 of front extension |
141 |
Parkstone Grammar |
New technology extension and re-model science facilities |
1,191 |
Parmiters |
IT building and conversion to science laboratories |
1,663 |
Pates |
Phase 3 of replacement building |
1,986 |
Phase 4 of replacement building |
1,679 |
Philip Morant |
Conversion to provide 3 laboratories |
179 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Plume |
Re-model upper school and technology block |
148 |
Priory |
Resources unit, 4 classrooms and toilets |
341 |
Queen Elizabeth, Aldford |
Replace temporary wooden accommodation |
495 |
Queen Elizabeth, Atherstone |
Re-roof part of building |
118 |
Refurbish laboratory |
84 |
Queen Elizabeth, Barnet |
Replace windows in main block |
99 |
Upgrade water system |
30 |
Queen Elizabeth, Penrith |
Adaptations for new technology provision |
400 |
New laboratory building |
462 |
Queen Elizabeth, Horncastle |
New laboratory and re-model adjacent laboratories |
154 |
Re-roof flat roof |
90 |
Queen Katherine |
Roof and cladding repairs to 2 blocks |
104 |
Re-model and refurbish home economics block |
50 |
Queens |
Science department extension |
303 |
Queensbury |
Adapt and convert to reorganise science/technology |
200 |
Queensmead |
New technology block and re-model technology provision |
300 |
Raines Foundation |
New science laboratory |
977 |
Repairs and replace roofing |
161 |
Rainham |
New science block |
344 |
Rauceby |
Extension to provide classrooms, resource facilities and toilet |
191 |
Reavensdale Middle |
Structural repairs to craft areas |
40 |
Upgrade science laboratories and administration |
140 |
Ravens Wood Boys |
Technology extension |
246 |
Reading |
Conversion to biology laboratories |
240 |
Rednock |
New build and conversion to provide science laboratories and classrooms |
665 |
New build and conversion to provide science laboratories |
395 |
Ribston Hall |
New build to replace temporary accommodation |
279 |
Replace glazed aluminium cladding |
197 |
Rickmansworth |
New art and design block |
510 |
Remove asbestos, re-cladding and re-roof |
217 |
Rickstones |
Technology suite |
450 |
Riddlesdown |
Health and safety works |
405 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
Robert Kett Middle |
Repairs to roof and chimneys |
90 |
Extension and adaptation for 2 technology rooms |
67 |
Robert Napier |
New technology accommodation |
358 |
Robert Pattinson |
New science laboratories and re-model technology unit |
530 |
As above |
290 |
Robinswood Primary |
Waterproof school roof |
26 |
Rewire/update electrical system |
78 |
Royal Grammar Lancaster |
2 classroom block |
124 |
Replace water system |
48 |
St. Aidan's |
Re-model and refurbish science laboratories |
300 |
Refurbish food technology rooms |
80 |
St. Augustine's |
New technology block |
338 |
St. Bartholomew's |
Re-model to provide IT and business studies |
282 |
St. Francis Xavier's |
Phase 1 of 3 floor block for technology provision |
1,173 |
Phase 1 of 2 floor block for technology provision |
802 |
St. George's CE |
Modify technology block |
329 |
Alternative means of escape |
40 |
St. George's Sleaford |
Major repairs to 16 mobiles |
110 |
Replacement of 2 mobiles |
236 |
St. Helen's Primary |
Replace mobile with 2 classrooms and toilets |
132 |
New toilet block |
53 |
St. James's |
Re-roof flat roof of main block |
135 |
St. Mary's Primary |
Refurbish outdated toilets |
31 |
St. Thomas More |
New science block |
695 |
New technology block |
702 |
Saffron Walden |
Replace asphalt roofs and parapets |
447 |
Improve technology facilities |
155 |
Salterlee |
New toilets and storage |
66 |
Re-roofing in slate |
44 |
Scotby Primary |
Technology extension |
40 |
Senacre |
New technology block |
325 |
Send First |
3 classrooms and toilets |
210 |
Enclosure to provide IT room |
55 |
Sexeys |
Science department development |
285 |
Business studies and IT block |
280 |
Sheringham High |
Refurbish existing technology facilities |
295 |
Simon Langton Grammar |
Re-model art, design and technology centre and workshop |
475 |
Sir Roger Marwood |
Extension and improvements to laboratories |
595 |
School |
Project |
Total cost £K |
New technology suite and improvements to existing laboratories |
500 |
Skegness |
Replace temporary classrooms and technology provision |
605 |
Increase in boarding accommodation |
300 |
Skinner's |
Technology building |
203 |
Small Heath |
Replace heating boiler and controls |
55 |
Snodland Primary |
New classroom block to replace mobiles |
332 |
Southfield |
Repairs to concrete frame, flat roofs and toilets |
162 |
Southlands, Kent |
Extension to replace maths accommodation |
658 |
Southlands, Berkshire |
Refurbish science laboratories |
90 |
Replace roofs |
15 |
Stoneleigh |
Replace classroom windows |
46 |
Stratford |
Re-roof upper school |
231 |
Streetly |
New technology block and staircase |
396 |
Repairs to flat roofs |
87 |
Stroud |
New technology block and adaptions |
510 |
Sutton Grammar |
New science laboratory block |
419 |
Tewkesbury |
Replacement boilers |
258 |
Design/technology facilities |
388 |
Thamesview |
Asbestos removal and boilder replacement |
95 |
Re-model technology and business studies |
172 |
Thurstable |
Re-model and extend technology department |
460 |
Torells |
New technology suite |
289 |
Trinity |
New science block |
345 |
Re-model technology suite and classrooms |
198 |
Uxbridge |
Phase 1 of structural and roof repairs |
490 |
Watford Boys |
New science/technology facilities |
813 |
Renewal of lead lined cornice and guttering |
88 |
Watford Girls |
Repairs to gym, swimming pool and 6th form |
113 |
Westcliff Boys |
Science room |
170 |
Music accommodation |
88 |
West Flegg Middle |
Adaptions to 6 classrooms |
78 |
Build 2 new classrooms to replace mobiles |
130 |
William Farr |
Refurbishment of computer room, science laboratories and classrooms |
295 |
As above |
560 |
Wilmington Boys |
Science block refurbishment |
380 |