HC Deb 19 February 1993 vol 219 cc368-9W
Mr. Dafis

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) if he will supply details of the incidence by sex and crude age-specific rate by sex of(a) cancer of the bone, (b) leukaemia, (c) maligant neoplasm of the female breast and (d) malignant neoplasm of the stomach in (i) Wales in total and (ii) each district health authority area in each year since 1986;

(2) if he will supply details of the incidence according to sex and five-year age category of cancer of the bone for (a) Wales in total and (b) each district health authority area for each year since 1971.

Mr. Gwilym Jones

Information on the incidence and incidence rate for specific cancers is presented in the Welsh Office publications "Cancer Registration in Wales, 1974–84" and "Cancer Registration in Wales, 1984–86". Copies of which are available in the Library of the House. 1974 is the earliest year for which reliable data are available. Data relating to years up to 1988 will be published later this year.

As the number of specific cancers in a given district health authority, age group and year can be very small, annual incidence rates at the level requested presented in isolation would be very difficult to interpret and could be misleading. Consequently the published figures cover incidence rates by health authority and age-specific rates for Wales over a three-year or five-year period.

Nursing and Midwifery Staff in Post as at 30 September (whole-time equivalents)
Clwyd East Dyfed Gwent Gwynedd Mid Glamorgan Pembrokeshire Powys South Glamorgan West Glamorgan 1Total
1979 2,991 2,350 3,663 1,710 4,438 1.. 963 4,211 2,705 23,031
1980 3,231 2,478 3,964 1,809 4,604 1.. 1,041 4,387 2,852 24,366
1981 3,427 2,507 4,061 1,918 4,834 1.. 1,014 4,523 3,078 25,362
1982 3,503 1,966 4,141 1,890 4,918 631 1,092 4,607 3,161 25,909
1983 3,498 2,042 4,221 1,862 4,904 615 1,149 4,490 3,200 25,981
1984 3,528 2,106 4,312 1,946 5,032 640 1,121 4,565 3,198 26,448
1985 3,618 2,081 4,351 2,092 5,127 661 1,127 4,640 3,317 27,014
1986 3,671 2,170 4,354 2,031 5,160 676 1,104 4,596 3,425 27,187
1987 3,673 2,194 4,337 2,088 5,413 679 1,125 4,752 3,503 27,764
1988 3,687 2,156 4,310 2,100 5,435 706 1,154 4,902 3,468 27,918
1989 3,635 2,151 4,412 2,113 5,392 743 1,144 4,946 3,495 28,031
1990 3,580 2,253 4,378 2,142 5,403 733 1,112 4,937 3,545 28,083
19913 3,566 2,226 4,290 2,085 5,412 742 1,134 4,875 3,560 27,890
19924 3,517 2,190 4,103 2,067 5,461 742 1,078 4,833 3,519 27,510
1..Figures included with East Dyfed.
2 Excludes staff who are employed by WHCSA as they are not hospital nurses.
3 Staff working for the Blood Transfusion Service were transferred to the Common Services Authority with effect from 1 April 1991.
4 The implementation of the Project 2000 nursing education reforms in 1992 has led to the reclassification of some student nurses as students.

Precise estimates of this effect are not readily available centrally but overall in 1992 about 1,000 nurses have been reclassified. Those in the student intake prior to 30 September 1992 have been excluded from the 1992 count. Due to the use of local payscales the figures for 1992 may slightly underestimate the true position as these staff can not be placed in a particular staff group. This particularly applies to Pembrokeshire NHS Trust who have, therefore, supplied the figure for 1992.

Hospital Medical Staff in Post as at 30 September (whole-time equivlalents)1
Clwyd East Dyfed Gwent Gwynedd Mid Glamorgan Pembrokeshire Powys South Glamorgan West Glamorgan Wales
1979 197 177 248 99 287 3.. 15 522 241 1,786
1980 197 184 255 107 311 .. 16 505 251 1,825
1981 222 193 259 113 309 .. 15 537 256 1,904
1982 221 146 270 117 315 48 16 555 257 1,944
1983 235 153 272 120 316 56 16 568 260 1,997
1984 228 160 277 130 325 55 17 561 266 2,019
1985 241 162 276 129 328 62 18 577 279 2,073
1986 238 166 280 131 329 58 15 579 268 2,062
1987 228 165 297 134 336 56 15 567 284 2,082
1988 236 171 299 136 348 62 15 587 280 2,133
1989 255 176 308 140 351 66 17 588 304 2,205
1990 265 193 316 144 357 70 20 617 304 2,286
19912 271 193 331 147 358 72 16 627 312 2,326
1 Excluding locums, hospital practitioners and clinical assistants.
2 Provisional.
3 Figures are included with East Dyfed.