HC Deb 05 February 1993 vol 218 cc384-5W
Mr. Pickthall

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the provision for safe disposal of refrigerators in each local authority.

Mr. Maclean

Local waste regulation authorities are required to produce plans detailing the arrangements needed to treat, recycle or dispose of controlled waste likely to arise or be situated in their areas. Waste disposal and treatment facilities may be provided by waste disposal authorities or by the private sector; regulation of such facilities is the responsibility of waste regulation authorities.

Where refrigerators are controlled waste, compliance with the duty of care requires the waste producer to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the waste goes only to legally authorised destinations. These would be sites that are licensed to treat or dispose of this type of waste, or specially exempt from the requirement to be licensed, or operated by a local authority under a resolution under section 11 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974.

Local authorities may bid for supplementary credit approvals for the provision of facilities for recycling chlorofluorocarbons. £15 million is available for recycling facilities in 1993–94.