§ Mr. MichaelTo ask the Prime Minister which businesses have been identified for market testing by more than four Government Departments since January 1992; and what percentage of the work force in each Department is(a) female, (b) part-time and (c) clerical or administrative grade.
§ The Prime MinisterDepartments are responsible for their own market testing programmes and definitive information is not held in the form requested. However, the information available centrally indicates that the following broad areas are included in the programmes of more than four Departments.
- Accountancy
- Estate and Building Management
540- Information Technology
- Hardware Maintenance
- Software Design and Maintenance
- Internal Audit
- Legal
- Conveyancing
- Library Services
- Office Services
- Payroll
- Record Storage and Retrieval
- Recruitment
- Reprographic
- Security Guarding
- Statistical Surveys
- Training
- Typing
The information on staff numbers cannot be given except at disproportionate cost, but statistics on staff, including breakdowns by gender, grade and department, are contained in "Civil Service Statistics 1992 Edition", published by Her Majesty's Treasury.