HC Deb 18 June 1992 vol 209 c655W
Mr. Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what action he proposes to take to reduce the incidence of oil spillages into the Thames;

(2) how many oil spillages into the Thames have occurred in the past year and from what source.

Mr. Maclean

The National Rivers Authority, which we established in 1989, has wide powers to prosecute polluters and to recover its clean up costs, and a vigorous policy of prosecuting those responsible for serious incidents; the courts can and do impose significant fines in respect of major cases, particularly since the Government's increase (to £20,000) in the maximum fine which magistrates can impose. I understand from the National Rivers Authority that in 1991, 23 oil pollution incidents were reported on the tidal Thames, nine of which were classified as major.

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