HC Deb 13 January 1992 vol 201 c511W
Mr. Hoyle

To answer the Lord President of the Council, pursuant to his answer of 11 November 1991,Official Report, column 463, what was the total cost of the new building in Parliament street; and what was the cost of providing the 32 offices in the Palace.

Mr. MacGregor

The final account for the construction of the new building in Parliament street is still being discussed with the contractor so it is not possible yet to give the total cost. Expenditure to date, however, including furnishings, fittings and consultants fees, charged to the parliamentary works programme is £32.309 million.

Work on the main scheme to provide the additional offices in the Palace—the conversion of the former residences of the Serjeant at Arms, Deputy Serjeant at Arms and the Speaker's Secretary—is not scheduled for completion until later this year. The estimated cost of the scheme, and of the conversion of the two officekeepers' flats, the Clerks' Bedroom on Upper Committee Corridor (North), and former Library accommodation on the North Curtain, again including furniture, fittings and consultants fees, is £2.028 million.

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