§ Mr. Bill MichieTo ask the Secretary of State for Social Security for the year 1991–92 to date, how many social fund applications were referred back by social fund inspectors for reconsideration by social fund officers in Sheffield East and Sheffield West district; and for each district how many of those were(a) community care grants, (b) budgeting loans and (c) crisis loans; how many were revised wholly in the applicant's favour; how many were revised partially in favour of the applicant; and how many were unchanged from the social fund officer's original decision, broken down by district and type of application.
§ Mr. ScottI am informed by the social fund commissioner that all the information cannot be provided in the form requested. The table summarises the data collected on decisions made by the social fund inspectors for the named districts, broken down by payment type, community care grant (CCG), budgeting loan (BL) and crisis loan (CL).
§ Mr. ScottI understand from Mr. Michael Bichard, chief executive of the Benefits Agency, that the information is not readily available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.