§ Mr. MullinTo ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the allowances paid to Vietnamese refugees returning voluntarily to Vietnam in order to help them resettle.
§ Mr. Garel-Jones[holding answer 18 November 1991]: All Vietnamese migrants who arrived in places of first asylum before 27 September 1991 and who volunteer to return to Vietnam receive US$410 repatriation assistance from UNHCR.
Since it was clear that this payment was acting increasingly as an incentive for clandestine departure, UNHCR announced on 27 September 1991 that for all asylum seekers arriving after that date, the level of cash assistance for voluntary returns would be reduced to US$50.
In addition, the international reintegration assistance programme aims to help all those who return to resume their lives in Vietnam by creating jobs in small and medium-sized enterprises and improving rural infrastructure and health and training facilities.