HC Deb 14 May 1991 vol 191 cc73-5W
Mr. Bermingham

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many male and female foreign nationals are serving a sentence or are on remand in a prison establishment in England and Wales; and if he will list the countries from which they emanate;

Sentenced prisoners on 30 June 1990 who were known to be foreign nationals by sex, nationality and whether sentenced for drugs offences.
Nationality All offences Drugs offences
Males Females Total Males Females Total
India 245 14 259 79 7 86
Pakistan 252 2 254 125 125
Other Asian Commonwealth 64 1 65 14 14
Nigeria 423 99 527 339 55 394
Ghana 42 18 60 25 13 38
Other African Commonwealth 91 9 100 33 4 37
Jamaica 432 40 472 116 18 134
Other Caribbean Commonwealth 121 15 136 29 9 38
Cyprus 54 2 56 18 2 20
Australia, Canada, New Zealand 38 3 41 9 1 10
Ireland 412 10 422 24 1 25
Other EC countries 196 14 210 87 10 97
United States of America 37 16 53 13 10 23
South America 110 29 139 90 20 110
Other countries 347 31 378 85 12 97
Total known foreign nationals 2,869 303 3,172 1,086 162 1,248

Mr. Bermingham

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department for the latest year available, how many foreign nationals sentenced to a period of imprisonment in a gaols in England and Wales have been granted home leave and temporary accommodation to facilitate visiting arrangements.

Mrs. Rumbold

This information is not held centrally and could he obtained only at disproportionate cost.

(2) how many males and females convicted or charged with a drug-related offence are currently resident in gaols in England and Wales; and if he will list the countries from which they emanated.

Mrs. Rumbold

On 30 June 1990, the latest date for which information is readily available, an estimated 2,869 male and 303 female sentenced prisoners in prison service establishments in England and Wales were known to be foreign nationals; of these 1,086 males and 162 females had been sentenced for drugs offences. The nationalities of these prisoners are shown in the table. However, the recording of nationality is not always reliable. Information about nationality is not recorded centrally for the remand population.

Mr. Bermingham

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many foreign nationals imprisoned in gaols in England and Wales have dependent children with them.

Mrs. Rumbold

On Friday 10 May, there were 12 foreign nationals in prison service establishments in England and Wales who had their babies with them in a mother and baby unit.

Mr. Bermingham

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what consideration the Parole Board gives in its deliberations to the specific difficulties faced by foreign nationals.

Mrs. Rumbold

It is a fundamental principle of the parole scheme that each case is considered on its merits. As far as possible, the cases of foreign nationals are considered on the same basis as domestic prisoners.

Mr. Bermingham

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what arrangements exist for visits from relatives, particularly from children, to foreign nationals in gaols in England and Wales.

Mrs. Rumbold

The arrangements for visits to prisoners —which apply equally to foreign nationals—are set out in standing order 5, a copy of which is in the Library.

Mr. Bermingham

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many foreign nationals in gaols in England and Wales have dependants resident in the United Kingdom.

Mrs. Rumbold

The information requested is not available.