HC Deb 09 May 1991 vol 190 cc564-5W
Mr. Straw

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will update the table given in his answer to the hon. Member for Blackburn,Official Report, 25 July 1990, columns 280–84, giving the latest available information in respect of each city technology college or proposed and planned city technology college.

Mr. Eggar

The table covers announced CTCs:

Harris Bacon's Haberdashers' Corby Derby Telford Wandsworth Bristol
School closure involved Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Has a ballot of parents been held and with what result Yes majority against No Yes majority in favour No 6No 6No 6No 6No


1 In addition, the Exchequer bears revenue costs on a basis comparable to those of maintained schools in similar areas

2Sponsors' contributions based on their agreed percentage.

3 Public consultations were held by Kent on its proposals to close the Downs school. One statutory objection containing 62 signatures was made to the section 12 proposal subsequently published.

4 Existing school to be relocated to new site, the sale proceeds of the present site which have been valued at £1.5m will form a sponsorship contribution from the Southwark Diocesan Board.

5 This figure includes the donation of the present site, which has been valued at £3.445m.

6 In each case, LEA, local schools and other interests consulted on proposal to establish CTC.