HC Deb 26 March 1991 vol 188 c355W
Mr. Fisher

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the pools scheme to benefit the arts and sports will operate on a national or a regional basis.

Mr. Mellor

It will be for the trustees to determine the detailed method of operation of the foundation for sport and the arts once it has been established. However, I understand from the proposers that it is the intention that the foundation will operate throughout the United Kingdom.

Mr. Fisher

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer who will determine, and distribute to the arts, the sums raised by the pools scheme announced in his Budget statement.

Mr. Mellor

It will be for the trustees to determine in detail how funds will be distributed once the foundation is established.

Cars up to 1000cc Cars 1001–1500cc Cars 1501–2000cc Cars over 2000cc
Up to 4,000 business miles 24.5p 30p 34p 45.0p
Over 4,000 business miles ll.0p 13p 16p 20.5p

An Inland Revenue press release is being issued today giving further details of the fixed-profit car scheme.