HC Deb 08 March 1991 vol 187 cc301-2W
Mr. Arbuthnot

To ask the Secretary of State for Energy if exports will be permitted of crude oil from the United Kingdom continental shelf to the countries of central and eastern Europe.

Mr. Wakeham

Her Majesty's Government have decided that the guidelines, introduced on 31 January 1979 —Official Report, column 461—which govern the destination of crude oil exports from the United Kingdom continental shelf shall be withdrawn with immediate effect. This means that there will be no inhibition on companies exporting crude oil to the countries of central and eastern Europe, and other countries with one exception. This initiative is primarily in response to the oil supply difficulties of countries in central and eastern Europe as a result of falling exports from the Soviet Union and the loss of supplies from Iraq and Kuwait.

While European Community measures exist on the export of crude oil to South Africa, Her Majesty's Government will expect companies exporting crude oil to abide by these measures by not exporting crude oil from the United Kingdom continental shelf to South Africa.