§ Dr. David ClarkTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list the pesticide active ingredients which are currently(a) under review and (b) awaiting review, indicating whether each one is due for a full or partial review; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. GummerThe information set out below relates to pesticide active ingredients which are(a) currently tinder review and (b) awaiting review. Although an indication of full or partial review has been given for these active ingredients listed at (a), it is not possible at this stage to indicate the nature of the reviews that will be undertaken in respect of the pesticides detailed at (b). A decision on the extent of these reviews will be made once approval holders have submitted details of all data held in support of products based on the active ingredients.
- (a) Active ingredients first approved before 1981 and currently under review
- Alachlor—Full
- Atrazine—Full
- Benomyl—Partial
- Bromoxynil—Full
- Captan—Partial
- Carbendazim—Partial
- Chlorothalonil—Partial
- Demeton-S-methyl—Full
- Demeton-S-methyl-sulphone—Full
- Diazinon—Full
- Dichlorvos—Full
- Dithiocarbamates:
- Ferbam—Full
- Mancozeb—Full
- Maneb—Full
- Nabam—Full
- Propineb—Full
- Thiram—Full
- Zineb—Full
- Zineb-ethylene-thiuram disulphide adduct—Full
- Ziram—Full
- Dinocap—Full
- Ioxynil—Full
- Isoproturon—Full
- Lindane—Full
- Linuron—Full
- Methyl bromide—Partial
- Monolinuron—Full
- Oxydemeton-methyl—Full
- Simazine—Full
- Synthetic Pyrethroids:
- Cypermethrin—Partial
- Deltamethrin—Partial
- Permethrin—Partial
- 8 post-1981 compounds—Partial
- Thiophanate methyl—Partial
- Thiabendazole—Partial
- Tecnazene—Full
- 2-Aminobutane—Partial
- 2,4,D—Full
- Vinclozolin—Partial
- Chlorfenvinphos—Full
- Dimethoate—Full
- +Omethoate*—Full
- +Formothion*—Full
343 - Malathion—Full
- Mecoprop—Full
- +Mecoprop-p*—Full
- Phorate—Full
- Triazophos—Full
- (b) Active Ingredients awaiting review
- Category 1 (top priority)
- Azinphos-methyl
- Dichlorophen + DB (2,4-)
- Dichlorprop
- Diquat
- Fentin acetate
- Fentin hydroxide
- Metaldehyde
- Methiocarb
- Nicotine
- Paraquat
- Pirimicarb
- Pirimiphos-methyl +Pirimiphos-ethyl*
- Sodium Cyanide
- Zinc Phosphide +Aluminium phosphide*
If at any time areas of particular concern about active ingredients in the categories are identified, priorities will be reassed and an immediate partial or full review may be undertaken.
- Category 2
- Aldicarb
- Alphachloralose
- Ammonium sulphamate
- Benazolin
- Carbaryl
- Chloroethylphosphonic acid
- Chlorpropham
- Chlorpyriphos
- Chlorpyriphos-methyl
- Copper Hydroxide
- Copper Oxychloride
- Copper Sulphate
- Copper-complex-Bordeaux mixture
- Cresylic Acid
- Dicamba
- Dichlofluanid
- Disulfoton
- Endosulfan
- Formaldehyde
- Iprodione
- Maleic Hydrazide
- Methomyl
- Pentachlorophenol
- Tetradifon
- Tri-allate
- Trichlorfon
- Trifluralin
- Vamidothion
- Category 3
- Aluminium sulphate
- Ammonium carbonate
- Ammonium sulphate
- Bitumen
- Bromophos
- Bupirimate
- Butoxycarboxim
- Carbofuran
- Chloridazon
- Chlorotoluron
- Chloroxuron
- Copper ammonium carbonate
- Coumatetralyl
- Dalapon
- Desmetryne
- Dichlobenil
- Diocofol
- Dithianon
- Diuron
344 - Dodine
- Etrimfos
- Fatty acids
- Fenitrothion
- Ferric sulphate
- Ferrous sulphate
- Glyphosate
- Heptenophos
- Imazalil
- Indol-3-ylacetic acid
- Indol-3-ylbutyric acid
- Lenacil
- Mephostolan
- Metalaxyl
- Naled
- Pepper
- Phenols
- Prometryn
- Propiconazole
- Propyzamide
- Pyrazophos
- Pyrethrins-pyrethrum
- Quinomethionate
- Rotenone
- Sodium chlorate
- Sodium hydrogen carbonate
- Sodium tetraborate
- Sulphur
- Tar oils
- TBA (2,3,6-)
- Terbutryn
- Tetramethrin
- Thiometon
- Triadimefon
- Triforine
- Category 4
- Amitrole
- Ammonium hydroxide
- Benzalkonium chloride
- Bioresmethrin
- Bone oil
- Boric acid
- Brodifacoum
- Bromacil
- Carbetamide
- Chlorbufam
- Chlorophacinone
§ Dr. David ClarkTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to his answer to the hon. Member for South Shields on 11 December 1990, if he will list all the pesticide active ingredients he(a) received, (b) approved and (c) rejected in 1990 and to date in 1991; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. GummerThe information requested is set out below in respect of applications for pesticides submitted to this Ministry for approval by the six Departments responsible. Applications for which the Health and Safety Executive is not primarily responsible—non-agricultural pesticides—are not included.
1990 1991 (a) Received 7 3 (names are commercial in confidence) (b) (i) Approved 6 2 (provisional level) deltamethrin fenoxyprop-ethyl cycloxydim PP321 fenpropathrin fenvalerate teflubenzuron gluphosinate-ammonium (ii) Approved 1 (experimental permit) oryzalin
1990 1991 (iii) Decisions deferred pending further data 5 1 (names are commercial in confidence) (c) Rejected 1 — ethalfluralin (d) Withdrawn 4 1 (names are commercial in confidence)
§ Dr. David ClarkTo ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to his answer to the hon. Member for South Shields on 16 January 1990, if he will list the active ingredients which have had their reviews concluded by the advisory committee on pesticides according to the categories(a) approval withdrawn, (b) use restricted and (c) use continues unchanged following their review since 16 January 1990, indicating if they were full or partial reviews; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. GummerThe information requested is as follows:
(a) Approvals withdrawn P TBTO (some approvals) P Alphalchloralose—commodity substance approvals P Secanol—commodity substance approvals (b) Use restricted or other P Vinclozolin amendments to approvals F Diazinon F Toxynil F Bromoxynil P 2-aminobutane (c) Use continues unchanged F Maneb F Mancozeb F Nabam F Zineb F Zineb-ethylene-thiuram disulphide adduct Note: P=partial.