§ Mr. AshleyTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will specify what formal procedures for making complaints and representations, specifying where appropriate under which sections of which Acts, are available locally and nationally to children and young people under 18 years of age who wish to make complaints about matters which are the responsibility of his Department.
§ Mr. EggarProvision is made in sections 68 and 99 of the Education Act 1944, as extended by section 219 of the Education Reform Act 1988, for complaints to be made to the Secretary of State about the conduct of local education authorities and the governing bodies of maintained schools (including grant-maintained schools), higher education corporations and certain institutions of further
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 (est) IACR3 803 783 789 774 750 680 557 523 480 477 449 433 IAH 328 311 314 310 299 307 252 283 282 264 292 283 IAPGR 343 330 338 327 326 345 331 270 254 266 337 321 IER 131 129 138 129 124 122 133 123 97 115 115 103 IFR 380 394 420 434 451 447 496 473 450 435 381 245 IGER 431 432 441 425 435 442 388 378 381 364 308 285 IHR2 443 430 440 438 452 425 353 323 326 318 (295)2 (260)2 IPSR4 266 282 278 274 282 279 309 373 274 271 234 234 Total 3,125 3,091 3,158 3,111 3,119 3,047 2,819 2,746 2,544 2,510 2,116 1,904 (2411) (2,164) Notes:
1 Abreviations:
IACR—Institute of Arable Crops Research
IAH—Institute of Animal Health
IAPGR—Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics
IER—Institute of Engineering Research
IFR—Institute of Food Research
IGER—Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research
IHR—Institute of Horticultural Research
IPSR—Institute of Plant Science Research
2 IHR became part of the British Society for Horticultural Research (BSHR) on 1 April 1990. The figures in brackets show the number of AFRC scientific staff seconded to BSHR.
3 The figures for IACR for 1980–84 include the former Letcombe Laboratory and the Weed Research Organisation, which closed in 1985 and 1986 respectively. They also include the former Soil Survey and Land Resource Centre, which was transferred to the Cranfield Institute of technology in 1986–87.
4 The figures for IPSR for 1980–86 include that part of the former Plant Breeding Institute which was purchased by Unilever plc in 1986–87.
280Wor higher education maintained or assisted by local education authorities, in the exercise of their functions under the Education Acts. Where the complaint relates to the curriculum or religious worship the complaint must first be made at local level, under arrangements made by the local education authority pursuant to section 23 of the Education Reform Act. None of these provisions imposes any formal restriction on the age of the complainant.