HC Deb 22 November 1990 vol 181 c173W
Mr. Hinchliffe

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what was the total number of road accidents, injuries and fatalities which took place when the driver was found to be over the legal alcohol limit; and if he will show injuries and fatalities separately for children aged under five years, for the years 1988 and 1989.

Mr. Chope

It is estimated that in 1988 there were 14,600 injury accidents in which at least one driver or rider involved was over the legal alcohol limit. It is estimated that 840 people were killed in those accidents, 5,650 were seriously injured and 16,200 were slightly injured. Figures for 1989 are not final, as returns from coroners are not yet complete, but current indications suggest that the final outturn will be very similar to the 1988 levels.

Children under five years of age make up only a small proportion of casulaties in drink-drive accidents. In 1988 there were four children under five killed, 23 seriously injured and 123 slightly injured in accidents where it was established beyond doubt that at least one driver or rider was over the legal alcohol limit. In 1989 the corresponding figures so far are three killed, 25 seriously injured and 108 slightly injured.