HC Deb 16 November 1990 vol 180 c255W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will indicate the tonnage of fish swapped with the Danes in the Fishery Council of December 1989 and his proposals for reviewing this in the 1990 Council.

Mr. Curry

As part of the final overall settlement which enabled the December 1989 Council of Fisheries Ministers to reach agreement on Community fishing opportunities for 1990, the United Kingdom, Germany and France transferred respectively 500 tonnes, 260 tonnes and 100 tonnes of their 1990 North sea cod quotas to Denmark. The outcome of the Council was very satisfactory to the United Kingdom and we secured all our major objectives. We will work hard to secure a satisfactory outcome to the December Council but we have yet to see the proposals it will be considering.