HC Deb 12 June 1990 vol 174 cc173-4W
30. Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the percentage of three and four-year-old children in state-run nursery schools in the United Kingdom; and what are the equivalent figures for West Germany, Sweden and Denmark.

Mrs. Rumbold

The readily available information is as follows:

Percentage of 3 to 4 age group in education and day-care, 1987
Education Day-care
Country Public Private Public Private
United Kingdom 42 3 38 3
West Germany 40 116 n/a n/a
Sweden 240 n/a 221 n/a
Denmark n/a n/a
1 1982; private sector provision subsidised by public funds.
2 1988, includes private sector.
— = nil or negligible.
n/a = not available.


Statistical Bulletin 13/89: International Statistical Comparisons of the Participation in Education and Day-care of three to six-year-olds.