HC Deb 09 January 1990 vol 164 cc598-605W
Mr. William Powell

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) if he will list in theOfficial Report the short title of each of the 88 European Community directives to implement the single market which should be on the statue books of each of the European Community member states: and if he will make a statement; (2) those European Community directives to implement the single market which have so far been enacted into legislation by (a) Belgium, (b) Netherlands, (c) Luxembourg, (d) West Germany, (e) France, (f) Italy, (g) Denmark, (h) Great Britain, (i) Eire, (j) Greece, (k) Spain and (l) Portugal; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Redwood

The following table lists the state of application of the 86 (not 88) legislative acts for which member states must take national implementing measures by 31 December 1989. These comprise 78 directives, four regulations and four decisions. For completeness a further two directives contained in the Commission's report (Dir 89/366 for which national implementing measures are not compulsory and Dir 85/572 which cannot be implemented until certain decisions are taken in Brussels) are also shown.

This confirms the United Kingdom's excellent record on implementation. I can confidently say that on or very shortly after 31 December we will be up to date with 76 of the 77 for which implementation is possible by the end of the year. On the one exception (Dir 88/288) we are currently seeking advice and clarification from the Commission. Three further directives which should be in force by 31 December (Dirs 85/323, 85/324 and 85/572) cannot be implemented pending decisions being taken in Brussels.

Various controls
1. Duty free fuel contained in fuel tanks of commercial motor vehicles Dir. 85/347 I I I I I I I I I I I I
Veterinary and phytosanitary controls
2. Production and trade in milk Dir. 85/397 INFR NI I I I INFR I INFR I I NI !
3. Classical swine fever and swine fever Dir. 87/486 INFR I I I I I INFR NA I I I I
4. Classical swine fever and swine fever Dir. 87/489 INFR I I NI I I INFR I I I NI I
5. Classical swine fever and swine fever Dir. 87/487 NI I NI NI I I NI NI I NI NI I
6. Hormone growth promoters Dir. 85/358 I I I I I I I I I I I I
7. Hormone growth promoters Dir. 88/146 INFR I I I I INFR I I I I I I
8. Microbiological controls Dir. 85/323 I NI I NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI
9. Microbiological controls Dir. 85/324 NI NI NI NI NI NI I NI NI NI NI NI
10. Medical examination of personnel Dir. 85/325 I I I I I I INFR I I I NI I
11. Medical examination of personnel Dir. 85/326 I I I I I I I I I I NI I
12. Medical examination of personnel Dir. 85/327 I I I I I I I I I I NI I
13. Antibiotic residues Dir. 86/469 I I I I I I I I I I I I
— Control of residues Dir. 86/469 I I I I I I I I I I I I
14. Swine fever Dir. 85/320 I I I I I I I I I I NI I
15. Swine fever Dir. 85/321 I I I NI I I I I I I NI I
16. Swine fever Dir. 85/322 I I I I I I INFR I I I NI I
17. Control of foot and mouth disease Dir. 85/511 I I I I I I I I I I I I
18. Amendments lo directive 77/93 (plant health) Dir. 85/574 I I I I I I I I I I I I
19. Amendment to directive 77/93 (plant health) Dir. 88/572 I I NI I NI NI NI I I I NI I
20. Pesticides residues in cereals and foodstuffs of animal origin Dir. 86/362 I I I NI I I INFR I INFR I NI I
21. Pesticide residues in cereals and foodstuffs of animal origin Dir 86/ 363 I I I NI I INFR INFR I INFR I NI I
22. Amendment of Directive 79/117 (ethylene oxcide) Dir 86/355 I I I I I I I I I I I I
23. Fixing of guidelines for additives used in animal foodstuffs Dir 87/153 I I I I I I I I I NI NI I
24. Modifications of Directive 72/461 (Community trade in fresh meat) and Directive 72/462 (importation of bovine animals swine and fresh meat from 3rd countries) Dir 87/64 I I I NI I I I NA NA I NI NA
25. Purebred breeding animals of the bovine species Dir 87/128 I INFR I D I INFR I INFR INFR INFR D I
26. Amendment to Directive 80/215 (animal health problems: intra-Community trade in meat products) Dir 87/491 I I I I I I INFR I I I NI I
27. Amendment to Directive 64/433 (health problems intra-Community trade in fresh meat) Dir 88/288 INFR I I NI I INFR INFR I I INFR NI INFR
28. Amendment to Directive 72/462 (Inspection problems on importation of bovine animals swine and fresh meat from third countries) Dir 88/ 288 INFR I I NI I INFR INFR I I INFR NI I
29. Certification of seeds Dir 88/380 NI NI NI NI NI I NI NI NI NI NI I
— Seed Potatoes Dir 89/366 National implementation measures not compulsory
Control of individuals
30. Sixth Directive—exemptions in International travel: increase to 350 ecus Dir 85/348 (Dir 88/664) I I D I I D NI D I I I I
31. Tax reliefs—Small consignments of a non-Commercial character Dir 85/ 349 (Dir 88/663) I I I I I I NI D I I I I
32. Small consignments—exemption from VAT on the final importation of goods Dir 88/331 I I I I I I INFR INFR I I I I
The removal of technical barriers free movement of goods
New approach in technical harmonisation and standards
33. Amendment lo Directive 83/189 Information procedures etc. Dir 88/ 182 I I I I I I NI I NI NI NI I

Sectoral proposals concerning approximation of laws Motor Vehicles
34. Gaseous emissions, passenger cars Dir 88/76 I I I I I NI I I I I I I
35. Gaseous emissions, commercial vehicles Dir 88/77 I I I I I NI I I I I I I
36. Diesel particulates Dir 88/436 NI I I I I NI NI I I I I I
37. Type approval of motor vehicles and their traders, Mod Dir 70/156 Dir 87/358 I I I I I NI I I I I I I
38. Motorcycle replacement exhaust systems Dir 89/235 NI I I NI I NI NI NI NI I I I
39. Motor Vehicles—lateral protection Dir 89/297 I I I NI I NI NI NI NI I I I
Tractors and Agricultural Machines
40. Modification of framework Directive 74/150 Dir 88/297 I I I I I I NI I I I NI I
41. Rollover protection structures Dir 87/402 I I I I I I NI NI I I NI I
42. Implementation of Dir 74/150, weight dimensions etc Dir 89/173 NI I I NI I NI NI NI NI NI NI NI
Food Law
43. Sampling and methods of analysis Dir 85/591 I I I I I I I I I I I I
44. Preservatives (modification) Dir 85/ 585 I I I I I I I NI I I I I
45. Emulsifiers (modification) Dir 86/ 102 I NI I NI NI I NI NI NI I NI I
46. Coffee and chicory extracts Dir 85/ 573 I I I I NI I I I I I I I
47. Obligation to indicate ingredients and alcoholic strength Dir 86/197 I I I I NI I I I I I NI I
— Simultants Dir 85/572 Time for implementation not yet fixed
48. Flavourings Dir 88/388 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI
49. Jams Dir 88/593 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI I
Pharmaceuticals and High-Technology Medicines
50. Placing on the market of high technology medicinal products including those derived from biotechnology Dir 87/22 I I I NI I I I NI I I NI I
51. Amendment to Dir 75/318—testing of medical specialities Dir 87/19 I I I NI I I I I I I D I
52. Amendment to Directive 81/852 on veterinary medicinal products Dir 87/20 I I I I I I INFR I I I I I
53. Amendment to Directive 65/65 concerning medical specialities Dir 87/21 I I I D I D I I I I D I
54. Price transparency in the prices of medicines and social security refunds Dir 89/105 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI I
Chemical Products
55. PCB's (polychlorinated byphenyls) Dir 85/467 I I I NI I I I I I I I I
56. Asbestos Dir 85/610 I I NI I I I I I I I I I
57. Non-ionic detergents Dir 86/94 I I I I I I NI I I NI NI I
58. Liquid fertilisers Dir 88/183 NI I I NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI
Construction and Construction Products
59. Tower cranes: permissable sound levels Dir 87/405 NI exept flanders NI I I I NI NI I I I NI I
Other items
60. Tyre pressure gauge Dir 86/217 NI I I I I I I I I I NI I
61. Hydraulic diggers (noise) Dir 86/662 NI I I I I NI NI I NI I NI I
62. Directive on products which, appearing to be other than they are, endanger the health or safety of consumers Dir 87/357 INFR I I INFR I INFR INFR I I I I I
63. Good laboratory practices: non-clinical testing of chemicals Dir 88/ 320 I NI I NI NI NI NI NI I NI NI I
64. Household appliances—airborne noise Dir 86/594 NI I NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI
65. Cosmetics Dir 88/667 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI

Public procurement
66. Public supply contracts (amendments to Dir 77/62 & 80/767) Dir 88/295 I I I D I D INFR I I INFR D I
Free movement for labour and the professions
67. Coordination of provisions in the field of pharmacy Dir 85/432 I I I NI I I INFR I I I I I
68. Mutual recognition of diploma's in pharmacy Dir 85/433 I I I NI I I INFR I INFR I I I
69. Specific training in general medical practice Dir 86/457 I INFR I I I I INFR I NA I I I
Common market for services Transaction in securities
70. Collective investment undertakings for transferable securities Dir 85/611 NI NI I NI I D NI I NI NI D I
71. UCITS Directive special measures concerning certain investments Dir 88/220 NI NI I NI I D NI I NI NI D I
72. Fares for scheduled air services Dir 87/601 INFR I I I I I NI I INFR NI INFR I
New technologies and services
73. Pan European mobile telephone Dir 87/372 INFR I INFR NI I INFR INFR INFR INFR INFR NI I
Capital movements
74. Operations such as transactions in securities, admission of securities and long-term commercial credits Dir 86/566 I I I I I I I I I I D I
75. Units in collective investment undertakings for transferable securities Dir 85/583 I I I I I I I I I I D I
Intellectual and industrial property
76. Legal protection of micro circuits Dir 87/54 I I I I I INFR I I I I I I
The removal of fiscal barriers VAT
77. 13th VAT Directive Dir. 86/560 I I I I I I INFR I I I I I
78. 17th VAT Directive Dir. 85/362 I I I INFR I I I I I I I I
Other measures Decisions
79. African swine fever in Portugal December 86/649 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
80. African swine fever in Spain December 86/650 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
81. Eradication of brucellosis tuberculosis and teukosis (bovine species) December 87/58 I I N/A I I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
82. Air Transport sharing of passenger capacity and market access December 87/602 INFR I I INFR INFR I I I INFR INFR INFR INFR
83. Spirit drinks Reg. 1576/89 NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI
84. Application of competition rules to maritime transport Reg. 4056/86 NI NI I NI NI NI NI NI NI I NI I
85. Application of competition rules to air transport Reg. 3975/87 NI NI I NI NI NI NI NI NI NI NI I
Creation of Suitable Conditions for Industrial Co-operation
Company Law
86. European Economic Interest Grouping Reg.85/2137 I I I NI I NI NI I NI I NI I

Notes on Directives:

The Commission report incorrectly claims that this Directive has not been implemented in the United Kingdom.

1. No. 5. The Commission report incorrectly claims that this directive has not been implemented in the United Kingdom.

2. No. 27. The United Kingdom in the process of informing the Commission that all provisions of the Directive have been implemented except for two in respect of which advice an clarification is being sought.

3. No. 41. The Commission report incorrectly claims that this Directive has not been implemented in the United Kingdom.

4. No. 42. Not due for implementation until 31 December 1989. Implementing regulations are currently laid before Parliament.

5. No. 48. No action will be necessary in the United Kingdom to permit the marketing and use of products which comply with the Directive. Legislation to prohibit trade in products not complying with the Directive from the 31 December 1990 will be brought into force on or shortly after 31 December 1989.

6. No. 49. The Directive has two implementation dates. The first, namely 31 December 1989, simply relates to permitting trade in products complying with the Directive. No action will be necessary in the United Kingdom to achieve this.

7. No. 54. Not due for implementation until 31 December 1989. However, the necessary changes to administrative procedures to comply with the Directive have already been made.

8. No. 58. Regulations drafted and under consultation, should be laid before Parliament early 1990.

9. No, 64. Draft implementing regulations have been made and will be laid before Parliament shortly.

10. No. 65. Laws of compliance to be published by 31 December 1989; implementing Regulations are currently laid before Parliament.

11. No. 72. The Commission report incorrectly claims that this has not been implemented in the United Kingdom.

No. 73 The Commission report incorrectly claims that this Directive has not been implemented in the United Kingdom.

12. No. 82. The United Kingdom contests the Commission's view that the administrative measures taken to comply with this Decision are insufficient and that legal means are required. The Commission services are aware of this.

13. No. 83 The Commission have been informed that the United Kingdom cannot implement the Article 10 measures until a decision has been taken in Brussels on the transitional arrangements under the EC Spirits Drinks Regulations. This decision has yet to be taken.