HC Deb 06 February 1990 vol 166 cc567-8W
Miss Emma Nicholson

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what consideration he has given to representations by manufacturers and retailers of certain foods concerning new temperature controls and the commercial viability of their business;

(2) what consideration he has given to representations by soft cheese manufacturers suggesting that any new temperature control will prevent the proper maturing of traditional soft cheeses;

(3) what consideration he has given to stricter food labelling and improved food safety education as alternatives to statutory temperature controls in relation to food hygiene;

(4) what plans he has to introduce statutory temperature controls regulating the temperatures of certain foods following the consultation document issued by his Department regarding proposed amendments to the Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970;

(5) what response he has had to the consultation document issued by his Department regarding proposed amendments to the Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970;

(6) when he intends to lay before the House amendments to the Food Hygiene (General) Regulations 1970; and to what procedure they will be subject.

Mr. Freeman

Over 150 responses have been received to the consultation document, from all interested parties including those with a duty to enforce the regulations (environmental health officers); the retail trade, including representatives of small shopkeepers; delicatessens and market traders; catering organisations; refrigeration interests; delivery concerns; microbiological experts and trade associations, including soft cheese manufacturers, bakers and representatives of dairy and meat manufacturers.

All the representations received are being given careful consideration in order to bring forward, in the near future, a measure which will balance the protection of the public health with the practicalities of implementation. In accordance with section 120(2) of the Food Act 1984, the regulations when laid will be subject to the negative resolution procedure. Questions of labelling and food safety education and, indeed, hygiene in manufacturing processes are essential adjuncts but not alternatives to temperature controls and are being pursued in parallel.