§ Mr. BattleTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) how many dwellings were let by local authorities between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989(a) to new secure tenants and (b) to new secure tenants who were homeless households (1) in inner London, (2) in 440W outer London, (3) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (4) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (5) in metropolitan areas outside London and (6) in England as a whole;
(2) how many households and how many homeless households, respectively, took up nominations by local authorities between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 (1) in inner London, (2) in outer London, (3) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (4) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (5) in metropolitan areas outside London and (6) in England as a whole;
(3) how many households local authorities accepted between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 (a) as homeless and (b) as homeless and in priority need (1) in inner London, (2) in outer London, (3) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (4) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (5) in metropolitan areas outside London and (6) in England as a whole;
(4) how many households were registered on local authority housing waiting lists on 1 April 1989 (a) in inner London, (b) in outer London, (c) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (d) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (e) in metropolitan areas outside London and (f) in England as a whole;
(5) how many local authority dwellings (a) were vacant and available for letting on 1 April 1988 and (b) became available for letting between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 (i) through new build, (ii) through acquisition or conversion and (iii) through other means (1) in inner London, (2) in outer London, (3) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (4) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (5) in metropolitan areas outside London and (6) in England as a whole;
(6) how many dwellings were let by local authorities between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 (a) to new non-secure tenants and (b) to new non-secure tenants who were homeless households (1) in inner London, (2) in outer London, (3) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (4) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (5) in metropolitan areas outside London and (6) in England as a whole;
(7) how many dwellings were let between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 (a) in total and (b) to homeless households (i) through the national mobility scheme; (ii) through the housing association liaison office and (iii) through other mobility schemes (1) in inner London, (2) in outer London, (3) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (4) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (5) in metropolitan areas outside London and (6) in England as a whole;
(8) how many dwellings were let by local authorities between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 to homeless households referred by other local authorities under the Housing Act 1985 part III, section 68 (a) in inner London, (b) in outer London, (c) in non-metropolitan areas of the south-east, (d) in non-metropolitan areas outside the south-east, (e) in metropolitan areas outside London and (f) in England as a whole.
§ Mr. Chope[holding answer 29 January 1990]: Following are estimates from local authorities' annual housing investment programme re turns (HIP1) for April 1989:
Local authority lettings 1 April 1988 to 31 March 1989 Inner London Outer London Non-metropolitan areas in South East Non-metropolitan areas outside South East Metropolitan areas outside London England Dwellings let to: New secure tenants 15,500 11,900 26,200 78,500 89,600 221,700 of which homeless households 9,400 7,200 7,400 18,500 19,300 61,800 New non-secure tenants 3,700 1,600 3,300 3,600 1,500 13,700 of which homeless households 3,000 1,500 2,800 2,600 600 10,400 Dwellings let through: National mobility or local authority mobility scheme (NMS/LAMS) 2,300 1,100 1,000 2,300 1,800 8,600 of which homeless households 1,000 200 1— 1— 1— 1,200 Housing association liaison office (HALO) 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— of which homeless households 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— Other mobility schemes 100 100 200 300 100 800 of which homeless households 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— 1— Dwellings let to homeless households referred by other local authorities under section 68, Housing Act 1985 between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 300 200 100 200 200 1,000 Nominations to housing associations 2,000 1,300 1,400 5,300 7,800 17,800 of which homeless households 900 500 100 400 800 2,600 Total households accepted as homeless 1988–89 17,500 11,600 16,600 33,500 38,300 117,400 of which in priority need 16,400 11,300 15,800 31,800 31,800 107,200 Households on waiting lists at 1 April 1989 139,900 104,200 205,000 488,000 313,000 1,250,000 Dwellings vacant and available for letting on 1 April 1988 2,600 1,600 3,600 8,000 8,800 24,600 Dwellings coming into management during 1988–89 which were: (a) Newly built 900 800 6,400 6,300 1,700 16,200 (b) Acquisition etc. 1,100 800 2,000 4,400 4,700 13,000 Other dwellings which became available for letting 31,800 24,400 55,700 138,100 154,100 404,000 Total dwellings available for letting 1 April 1988 to 31 March 1989 36,500 27,600 67,600 157,000 169,300 457,900 1 Less than 50.