HC Deb 25 April 1990 vol 171 cc204-5W
Mr. Tony Lloyd

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what different types of medical qualification exist for prison staff involved in medical care of prisoners; and what is the minimum level of such personnel available at all times in prison.

Mr. Mellor

All prison service establishments are served by one or more medical officers all of whom are registered medical practitioners. Many have psychiatric or other special qualifications. Twenty-four hour medical cover is required and is achieved by a combination of daily attendance and an emergency "on call" rota.

Nursing services are provided by hospital officers (prison officers who specialise in health care) and civilian nurses. All the latter, and about 16 per cent. of hospital officers, have a recognised professional nursing qualification. Other hospital officers have received in-service training (currently of 24 weeks duration) in basic nursing techniques. The staffing levels and working patterns are conditioned by the size and function of individual establishments.

Average population of Cardiff remand centre and local prison: by type of prisoner
1979 to 1990
Remand prisoners Sentenced prisoners1 Non-criminal prisoners All prisoners
Under 21 Adult Under 21 Adult
Number Number Number Number Number Number
Remand centre 44 40 84
Local prison 73 305 5 383
Remand centre 46 48 93
Local prison 88 289 3 380
Remand centre 61 48 109
Local prison 86 288 5 379
Remand centre 63 48 112
Local prison 86 324 1 410
Remand centre 52 35 87
Local prison 93 301 1 395
Remand centre 49 38 88
Local prison 78 243 3 323
Remand centre 51 47 1 98
Local prison 128 245 1 375
Remand centre 61 31 92
Local prison 113 296 2 410
Remand centre 74 38 113
Local prison 97 328 1 427
Remand centre 71 38 107
Local prison 100 320 3 422
Remand centre 66 19 85
Local prison 102 291 2 394
Remand centre 70 17 87
Local prison 117 245 2 364
1 Including fine defaulters.
2 31 January and 28 February.

Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the maximum number of prisoners accommodated at Cardiff prison at any point during each of the past 10 years and in the current year to date; and how many were(a) sentenced offenders, (b) remand prisoners and (c) young prisoners in each case.