§ Mr. Tim SmithTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales what was the total amount spent by his Department in 1989 on management and computer consultancy contracts, excluding hardware and software purchases; if he will list each management or computer consultancy contract awarded by his Department in 1989, giving in each case the name of the consultancy firm and the subject of the assignment; and what is the total amount his Department has budgeted to spend in the current year.
§ Mr. Peter Walker[holding answer 28 March 1990]: We estimate that our expenditure on management and computer consultancies in the financial year 1989–90 will be £434,650. Details of those consultancies awarded in that year are as follows:
Firm Subject of Assignment South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education Review of Mudiad yr Meithrin (MYM) Price Waterhouse Management arrangements at the Polytechnic of Wales Training Needs Analysis Option appraisal of arrangements for the provision of nurse education in Wales Peat, Marwick and McLintock Review of the Valuation and Community Charge Tribunal Ernst and Young Setting up and launch of Welsh Health Planning Forum Final Performance Test on new finance computer Leslie Hayes Consultancies Ltd.1 Evaluation of Regional Enterprise Grant (REG) Deloittes Review of cancer treatment service in North Wales Touche Ross Management Review of NHS Directorate Wales and South West Regional Research Laboratories IT strategy for the Department's Social Services Inspectorate BIS Ltd. Feasibility study into IT strategy for Welsh Office Agriculture Department Budgets for 1990–91 have yet to be finalised.1 Jointly commissioned by DTI, Scottish Office and Welsh Office.