HC Deb 15 May 1989 vol 153 cc67-8W
Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many cases of multiple myeloma amongst the people on the ship HMS Scarborough, which was present at the nuclear tests, were found by the National Radiological Protection Board in its study of the mortality of nuclear test veterans.

Mr. Sainsbury

HMS Scarborough was a meteorological data gathering ship and was on station in August and September 1958 to the north of Christmas Island at distances never less than 38km from the points of detonation.

At no time was she, members of her crew or others on board her exposed to ionising radiation from the bursts, or from fall out, nor did she sail in waters contaminated with fall out at any levels above the normal background of the South Pacific area.

The NRPB identified one case of multiple myeloma amongst those serving on HMS Scarborough during this period.

Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if his Department has refused to disclose any documents requested by the lawyers of the nuclear test veteran, Mr. Pearce, and other veterans seeking compensation.

Mr. Sainsbury

My Department has not to date refused to disclose any documents requested by the lawyers of the nuclear test veterans seeking compensation. In the case of Mr. Pearce, however, his lawyers have been advised that there might be documents which, for security reasons, cannot be released, although every effort will be made to release relevant parts of those documents.