HC Deb 28 July 1989 vol 157 cc1093-4W
Mrs. Wise

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many accidents have occurred on British Rail(a) during the past five years and (b) during the five years before that; and how many fatalities occurred during the same periods.

Mr. Portillo

The information is not available in the form requested. The railway inspectorate maintains accident records for the preparation of the annual report on railway safety. These records show the number of casualties but not the precise number of accidents. The numbers of accidents to trains (collisions, derailments, fires and so on) are given in the following table, together with the numbers of fatalities, since 1979 (table B). These cover all railways: the numbers for BR cannot generally be isolated without a lot of research, although it has been possible to do so for the years since the records were computerised (table C).

Table A is a summary of accidents of all types for all railways during the 10 years ended 1988. Movement accidents are those which are caused to people by moving railway vehicles which are not train accidents, for example, an accident involving a carriage door of a moving train. Non-movement accidents are those which do not involve railway vehicles. The King's Cross fire is in this category.

Table A
Fatalities in all railway accidents 1979–88
Year Train accidents Movement accidents Non-movement accidents Total
1979 20 74 13 107
1980 7 52 10 69
1981 7 58 11 76
1982 11 40 6 57
1983 10 53 6 69
1984 30 41 5 76
1985 6 55 13 74
1986 27 41 4 72
1987 10 57 37 104
1 1988 40 53 5 98
1 Provisional figures.

Table B
Train accidents and fatal injuries—all railways
Year Accidents Fatalities
1979 1,035 20
1980 930 7
1981 1,014 7
1982 998 11
1983 1,225 10
1984 1,359 30
1985 1,240 6
1986 1,171 27
1987 1,164 10
11988 1,359 40
1 Provisional figures.

Table C
Train accidents and fatal injuries—British Railways only
Year Accidents Fatalities
1979 2 2
1980 2 2
1981 2 2
1982 2 2
1983 2 2
1984 1,329 28
1985 1,213 6
1986 1,117 27
1987 1,121 10
11988 1,287 40
1 Provisional figures.
2 Figures not available.