HC Deb 01 February 1989 vol 146 cc236-7W
Mr. McGrady

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what were the student numbers in the diploma in the advanced study of education in each of the years 1983–84 to 1987–88 in(a) Stranmillis college of education and (b) St. Mary's college of education, Belfast.

Mr. Needham

Before 1985–86, colleges of education offered the advanced certificate in education. From that year, it has been gradually replaced by the diploma in the advanced study of education.

The numbers of full and part-time students receiving support from the Department of Education for Northern Ireland for either course are as follows:

available up to and including 1988, giving the number of times each person was searched, if any prison contraband, smuggled item or illegal correspondence was discovered in any search, including which items; in how many cases prisoners refused to be searched and had to be restrained while the search was being conducted; and what were the reasons for the search under each of the following headings (a) making a remand appearance at a trial, (b) attending trial, (c) inter-prison visit and (d) other reasons.

Mr. Ian Stewart

[holding answer 31 January 1989]Details of the numbers of, and reasons for, strip searches made of female prisoners in Her Majesty's prisons. Armagh and Maghaberry were first recorded in April 1983. Information on the number of times each prisoner was searched could be provided only at disproportionate cost. The remaining information requested is as follows:

Number of Searches 1983 (April.December) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
Attending Remand Court 84 31 19 34 25 2
Attending Trial 50 5 8 6 1
Attendance Court for Appeal 11 2 I 9 4
Attendance Court for Bail 50 47 56 66 33 1
Pre-release home leave scheme 126 66 63 39 31 53
Compassionate home leave 8 4 2
Inter.prison visits 22 30 10 16 11 8
Visits to outside hospital 1 2 8 8 2 5
Pre-release programme (Lifers) 232 66
Attendance Court/Police Station (Sect. 16 Prison Act (NI) 1953) 6 5 1
Bail paid 1
Temporary release (Sect. 18Prison Rules (NI) 1982) 3
General Search of Prison 1
Fines Paid 2
After a Visit 2 5
Items Discovered
Occasions when items discovered 14 21
Number of prisoners searched after refusing to be searched 1
1 Items included drugs, perfume, money and correspondence.
2 Drugs.

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