§ Mr. SpellerTo ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) what sources of grants from public funds are available for the development of safe harbours, fishing quay facilities, tourist development and rural infrastructure in the south-west;
(2) what sources exist for grant aid from the European Community for the development of safe harbours, fishing 869W quay facilities, tourist development and rural infrastructure; and whether north Devon would be eligible for such grants.
§ Mr. Douglas HoggThe following sources of grants from national public funds and from the European Comumunity are available for the named sectors:
- (i) Developments are eligible for support from the European regional development fund if they are located in an area designated for objective 1, 2 or 5(b) of the Community structural funds, provided the Community support framework for the area so provides. The assisted areas of Devon and Cornwall are designated for objective 5(b), the development of rural areas. The North Devon constituency is, however, not in the assisted areas.
- (ii) The European social fund (ESF) provides grants throughout the Community for employment and training measures for the long-term unemployed, and those aged under 25 who have left full-time education (objectives 3 and 4 of the funds). If measures connected with the sectors listed are aimed at people within these groups, they are eligible for ESF support subject to the European Commission's decision on funding priorities.
- (iii) The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food gives grants to farmers in all areas of England for the development of tourist accommodation and other on-farm tourist developments. Grant of up to 50 per cent. is available under section 2 of the Fisheries Act, 1955 for the development of fishing facilities by non-profit making organisations. Support for certain fishing quay facilities is available from the European Commission throughout the Community under regulations 355/77 and 2321/88; the Commission pays up to 25 per cent. and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food up to 8 per cent. of the total cost.
- (iv) Consultancy grant under the DTI Enterprise Initiative is available to eligible businesses which meet the appropriate scheme criteria in respect of the development of safe harbours, fishing quay facilities and tourist development in the south-west. In addition regional selective assistance is available for such developments in the assisted areas of Devon and Cornwall and regional enterprise grant in the development areas of Cornwall.
- (v) The Rural Development Commission offers grants and loans to economic and tourism projects and grants to environmental improvement schemes in rural development areas. Urban programme funding is available for suitable tourism projects of benefit to inner areas in the two urban programme authorities of Plymouth and Bristol. Derelict land grant is available for the reclamation of derelict land to provide sites for development and infrastructure.
- (vi) Transport supplementary grant is available to all local highway authorities to assist with capital expenditure on roads and traffic management projects. In assisted areas, grants under the Industrial Development Act 1982 are available to both private developers and local highway authorities for new roads to developments which will lead to a real increase in employment.