HL Deb 03 April 1989 vol 505 cc1000-1WA
Lord Macauley of Bragar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress is being made towards the provision of reasonable facilities for prisoners on remand in Scotland; and in particular, to enable such prisoners to have access to their legal advisers at a place and at times out with the normal prison regimes to enable them to make proper preparations for their trial.

Lord Sanderson of Bowden

All establishments holding remand prisoners have facilities for them to consult their legal advisers confidentially. Governors make every endeavour to accommodate such visits, subject to some unavoidable circumstances, such as availability of staff and pressure on existing visit facilities. At some establishments prior notification of visits is helpful to facilitate arrangements. New, improved visit facilities, including those for inmates' legal advisers, will be in use this summer at Her Majesty's Remand Institution, Longriggend. In addition, the Scottish Home and Health Department are currently appraising plans for Scottish penal establishments with the aim of improving facilities for prisoners on remand, convicted prisoners and staff.